Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little Obama if you dont mind

This whole thing really fascinates me and I have really been trying to figure out how a guy who has like 200 days in the senate has gotten to be a Presidential Nominee and that is not to say that that in itself would be bad but as I listen to him I realize WOW I actually know more about how my government works and post jobs etc.... than he does. WHAT?? I am just some amateur lover of politics and my country - I guess America really is the land of Opportunity and anyone can run
For office and have a chance Man, woman, black, white, citizen immigrant we all have the same chance I LOVE AMERICA - but here in this case Come on people. I want to see a Black Man as President as much as the next person but I want more what is best for my country. And although neither main candidate is any good, what a sad state of affairs we are in that we have Democrat McCain and Liberal wet behind the ears Obama to choose from - I don’t know how we got here but I will say that Obama has no business as the Democratic Nominee - OK OK so just a couple of things before I go

I love information age – This is a great article simple and sweet – My point exactly.

and as a side note I honestly have to say (even though this is not my quote but still I say it too)

To me, it is striking how unqualified Obama is and how this whole thing came about within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say "no" to the black guy. Liberal policies are always end up strangling liberals. I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. It's the reverse of it. They've ended up nominating and placing the top of their ticket somebody that's not qualified, who has not earned it. It's perfect affirmative action. And because all this guilt and the historic nature of things, nobody had the guts to say, "Wait a minute, do we really want to do this?" They do it, and then they start behaving in manners and ways that let us know that they know that they've goofed up with the choice. It actually has been somewhat fascinating to watch.

OH and here is another one on the subject

Obama's complete lack of substance and experience was impossible to conceal. He even caught himself. When he was asked about Clarence Thomas, "Well, I don't think he has the right exper..." He caught himself and said he wasn't qualified at the time he was elevated to that position -- and here's a guy who's been to Yale, a guy who's been to Holy Cross, who spent a year on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. He worked for Ashcroft as assistant attorney general in the state of Missouri, and Obama is what? A street agitator with 140 days in the Senate, and Obama claims that Clarence Thomas is unqualified?
That's another thing he got caught on, by the way, this bill that he voted against three times in Chicago that would allow the killing of babies born alive, babies that had been through an abortion and survived. Obama said he wanted to go ahead and let those babies be killed because that was the initial intent. He said he voted against it because none of the legislation had any kind of protections specifically aimed at Roe v. Wade. Well, one of the occasions, of the three occasions, did, had the specific request Obama wanted regarding Roe v. Wade and he still voted against it -- or for it, whichever. He voted for killing babies. Now, his answer on abortion was, they say, "nuanced." This is not nuance. "Nuance" implies brilliance and elitism, intellectualism. This wasn't nuance. That was avoidance. Obama was avoiding everything that he had to because he knew who the audience was, and because he can't be honest about what he really thinks and believes -- not seeking to be elected president of the United States. It's gotten down to the point now. Look at how tough a job poor old Caroline Kennedy has. You know, she's at the top of the list vetting Obama's veep choices. How difficult must it be for her to find somebody less qualified than Obama? Every resume she's looking at makes his look like a first grade report card! Seriously, folks. I mean, every resume she's looking at makes Obama look like a total beginner, a neophyte. It's gotta be a problem for them. Everybody is starting to whisper that if he has any prayer of winning, he's gotta choose Hillary. And if he chooses Hillary, he's going to have to have somebody taste his food every day and start his car for him every day
