Monday, June 29, 2009

Since when does anyone in Politics think this is ok? GROW UP

Since when does anyone in Politics think this is ok?

"Partisan politics should never be more prominent than the Pledge of Allegiance. This may come across as a partisan story, but I can't deny the facts on this one. Republicans stood for the pledge, while every Democrat remained seated. Come on,'re supposed to be senators!"

Normally I might get mad a bit or frustrated here and there but this actually just disgusts me and ticks me off. But hey what can you expect from a but of power hungry, agenda driven collectivists. This is just another example of why, I left the democratic party. These people are babies and so emotionally controlled that common sense, righteousness, truth and liberty are all just words meant for manipulation.

GROW UP!!!!!

Stop Embracing Poison - The Church and the Liquor store

Another one not written by me but by one of my strong brothers Akindele Akinyemi and I had to pass it along

There are two poisons in our community that continues to plague us as Black people. The Church and the Liquor store.

If you drive down any main street in Detroit you will find churches and liquor stores. When people leave church on Sunday they go next door to the liquor store to buy a pack of cigarettes and rum.
Or whiskey.
Or beer.
Some buy weed right out of the liquor stores and gas stations.
You would think the church would give our people some spiritual insight on how to live. With the advent of welfare and other nonsense we have fallen into a trap of decadence.
Decades of it.

This is why the church in our communities need a urban revolution based on family, health and prosperity. Our Black men are dying younger and our Black women are becoming widows and single at an earlier stage in their lives. We are becoming less interested in marriage due to the distrust in our households. We trust the bottle more so than each other.

Building Urban Regional Power through urban conservatism is the key to our crisis in our community. Not social programs that create a handout or dependency mentality. Not the NAACP or other outdated civil rights organizations. Not the Black Nationalist community. All mentioned have had their turn to bat and all have struck out.

The Black Church in our community must seriously work to develop ways of ministering to young Black families who are trying to live God's law, or else it must stop preaching an all accepting, all liberating gospel and calling itself a church. The good news of the gospel is that God's love is for all people unconditionally.

For the last 400 years our people developed a wealth of mechanisms and structures for survival in spite of this society's commitment to our destruction. The church was one such structure. It was through the Christian church that the "business" of the Black community was conducted and implemented. The Black church provided a forum for dealing with the politics of our oppression (as well as the economic deficiencies brought on by racism) and a place for healing the despair and loneliness of a people denied respect for their human dignity. The church was the center from which real life sprang, presenting the good news that all people have been liberated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our love for, and loyalty to, the All Living God guaranteed this freedom.

Today, some of our Black churches have fallen off and embrace foolishness like homosexuality and killing Black children through abortion. We accept the fact that our children are failing in public schools and instead of taking the time to open up our own institution we give them a "social" program to try to save them.

Urban conservative have banned together to try to find a way to cure the problem. We fully understand that it's easy to accept certain policies and hard to accept conservative principles. The same principles that we have been following forever since day one. Conservative principles are not a White or Black thing. It is a human thing that God has placed here for us to follow and obey. When we deviate from God's law our society goes to hell in a hand basket.

Young urban conservatives also must begin to step up in leadership roles in the church structure to guide young people back to Christ. We have our instructions and now is the time to take back our community by rejecting bad health and embracing a more conservative way of living.

Young Urban Conservatives must begin to elevate the plight of the Black man by doing the following:

Getting Black parents, Black families and the Black community properly involved in the education of Black male children.

Creating and maintaining nurturing, effective, supportive, child-centered, two-parent families.

Reconnecting Black fathers to their children.

Instilling strong educational and conservative values in young Black men.

Developing positive community structures, principles, morals and activities to help with the social development of young Black men.

Finding strong, positive role models for young Black men.

We are responsible for this transformation not the government. We are responsible for teaching our youth in the church and at home about sexuality, personal responsibility and education. The government is not responsible for this.

When we embrace Jesus Christ and not the State of Michigan as our Savior we will begin to build urban regional networks on conservative principles across the region.

by Akindele Akinyemi

Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama, the African Colonial

This Lady has just totally Peg Obama, Good show old girl good show

Obama, the African Colonial

By L.E. Ikenga
Had Americans been able to stop obsessing over the color of Barack Obama's skin and instead paid more attention to his cultural identity, maybe he would not be in the White House today. The key to understanding him lies with his identification with his father, and his adoption of a cultural and political mindset rooted in postcolonial Africa.

Like many educated intellectuals in postcolonial Africa, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was enraged at the transformation of his native land by its colonial conqueror. But instead of embracing the traditional values of his own tribal cultural past, he embraced an imported Western ideology, Marxism. I call such frustrated and angry modern Africans who embrace various foreign "isms", instead of looking homeward for repair of societies that are broken, African Colonials. They are Africans who serve foreign ideas.

The tropes of America's racial history as a way of understanding all things black are useless in understanding the man who got his dreams from his father, a Kenyan exemplar of the African Colonial.

Before I continue, I need to say this: I am a first generation born West African-American woman whose parents emigrated to the U.S. in the 1970's from the country now called Nigeria. I travel to Nigeria frequently. I see myself as both a proud American and as a proud Igbo (the tribe that we come from -- also sometimes spelled Ibo). Politically, I have always been conservative (though it took this past election for me to commit to this once and for all!); my conservative values come from my Igbo heritage and my place of birth. Of course, none of this qualifies me to say what I am about to -- but at the same time it does.

My friends, despite what CNN and the rest are telling you, Barack Obama is nothing more than an old school African Colonial who is on his way to turning this country into one of the developing nations that you learn about on the National Geographic Channel. Many conservative (East, West, South, North) African-Americans like myself -- those of us who know our history -- have seen this movie before. Here are two main reasons why many Americans allowed Obama to slip through the cracks despite all of his glaring inconsistencies:

First, Obama has been living on American soil for most of his adult life. Therefore, he has been able to masquerade as one who understands and believes in American democratic ideals. But he does not. Barack Obama is intrinsically undemocratic and as his presidency plays out, this will become more obvious. Second, and most importantly, too many Americans know very little about Africa. The one-size-fits-all understanding that many Americans (both black and white) continue to have of Africa might end up bringing dire consequences for this country.

Contrary to the way it continues to be portrayed in mainstream Western culture, Africa is not a continent that can be solely defined by AIDS, ethnic rivalries, poverty and safaris. Africa, like any other continent, has an immense history defined by much diversity and complexity. Africa's long-standing relationship with Europe speaks especially to some of these complexities -- particularly the relationship that has existed between the two continents over the past two centuries. Europe's complete colonization of Africa during the nineteenth century, also known as the Scramble for Africa, produced many unfortunate consequences, the African colonial being one of them.

The African colonial (AC) is a person who by means of their birth or lineage has a direct connection with Africa. However, unlike Africans like me, their worldviews have been largely shaped not by the indigenous beliefs of a specific African tribe but by the ideals of the European imperialism that overwhelmed and dominated Africa during the colonial period. AC's have no real regard for their specific African traditions or histories. AC's use aspects of their African culture as one would use pieces of costume jewelry: things of little or no value that can be thoughtlessly discarded when they become a negative distraction, or used on a whim to decorate oneself in order to seem exotic. (Hint: Obama's Muslim heritage).

On the other hand, AC's strive to be the best at the culture that they inherited from Europe. Throughout the West, they are tops in their professions as lawyers, doctors, engineers, Ivy League professors and business moguls; this is all well and good. It's when they decide to engage us as politicians that things become messy and convoluted.

The African colonial politician (ACP) feigns repulsion towards the hegemonic paradigms of Western civilization. But at the same time, he is completely enamored of the trappings of its aristocracy or elite culture. The ACP blames and caricatures whitey to no end for all that has gone wrong in the world. He convinces the masses that various forms of African socialism are the best way for redressing the problems that European colonialism motivated in Africa. However, as opposed to really being a hard-core African Leftist who actually believes in something, the ACP uses socialist themes as a way to disguise his true ambitions: a complete power grab whereby the "will of the people" becomes completely irrelevant.

Barack Obama is all of the above. The only difference is that he is here playing (colonial) African politics as usual.

In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father -- an eloquent piece of political propaganda -- Obama styles himself as a misunderstood intellectual who is deeply affected by the sufferings of black people, especially in America and Africa. In the book, Obama clearly sees himself as an African, not as a black American. And to prove this, he goes on a quest to understand his Kenyan roots. He is extremely thoughtful of his deceased father's legacy; this provides the main clue for understanding Barack Obama.

Barack Obama Sr. was an African colonial to the core; in his case, the apple did not fall far from the tree. All of the telltale signs of Obama's African colonialist attitudes are on full display in the book -- from his feigned antipathy towards Europeans to his view of African tribal associations as distracting elements that get in the way of "progress". (On p. 308 of Dreams From My Father, Obama says that African tribes should be viewed as an "ancient loyalties".)

Like imperialists of Old World Europe, the ACP sees their constituents not as free thinking individuals who best know how to go about achieving and creating their own means for success. Instead, the ACP sees his constituents as a flock of ignorant sheep that need to be led -- oftentimes to their own slaughter.

Like the European imperialist who spawned him, the ACP is a destroyer of all forms of democracy.

Here are a few examples of what the British did in order to create (in 1914) what is now called Nigeria and what Obama is doing to you:

  1. Convince the people that "clinging" to any aspect of their cultural (tribal) identity or history is bad and regresses the process of "unity". British Imperialists deeply feared people who were loyal to anything other than the state. "Tribalism" made the imperialists have to work harder to get people to just fall in line. Imperialists pitted tribes against each other in order to create chaos that they then blamed on ethnic rivalry. Today many "educated" Nigerians, having believed that their traditions were irrelevant, remain completely ignorant of their ancestry and the history of their own tribes.
  2. Confiscate the wealth and resources of the area that you govern by any means necessary in order to redistribute wealth. The British used this tactic to present themselves as empathetic and benevolent leaders who wanted everyone to have a "fair shake". Imperialists are not interested in equality for all. They are interested in controlling all.
  3. Convince the masses that your upper-crust university education naturally puts you on an intellectual plane from which to understand everything even when you understand nothing. Imperialists were able to convince the people that their elite university educations allowed them to understand what Africa needed. Many of today's Nigerians-having followed that lead-hold all sorts of degrees and certificates-but what good are they if you can't find a job?
  4. Lie to the people and tell them that progress is being made even though things are clearly becoming worse. One thing that the British forgot to mention to their Nigerian constituents was that one day, the resources that were being used to engineer "progress" (which the British had confiscated from the Africans to begin with!) would eventually run out. After WWII, Western Europe could no longer afford to hold on to their African colonies. So all of the counterfeit countries that the Europeans created were then left high-and-dry to fend for themselves. This was the main reason behind the African independence movements of the1950 and 60's. What will a post-Obama America look like?
  5. Use every available media outlet to perpetuate the belief that you and your followers are the enlightened ones-and that those who refuse to support you are just barbaric, uncivilized, ignorant curmudgeons. This speaks for itself.

America, don't be fooled. The Igbos were once made up of a confederacy of clans that ascribed to various forms of democratic government. They took their eyes off the ball and before they knew it, the British were upon them. Also, understand this: the African colonial who is given too much political power can only become one thing: a despot.

L.E. Ikenga can be reached at

Some Quick Thoughts on Michael Jackson - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

Some Quick Thoughts on Michael Jackson - Jonah Goldberg - The Corner on National Review Online

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Cap & Tax (Cap & Trade)! Let's pray this is true, and please take action ASAP!! The votes are reportedly very close!

Cap & Tax (Cap & Trade)! It could potentially pass today, but there's some good news: Democrats had an emergency meeting last night and again this morning, reportedly because they haven't yet gathered enough votes to pass their tax-raising, prosperity-destroying, economy-busting, tax-hiking, anti-growth Cap and Trade legislation. Let's pray this is true, and please take action ASAP!! The votes are reportedly very close!

The Democrat swing votes on H.R. 2454, the Cap and Trade legislation, according to (if you live in their district, call now):

CALL! but email if you want BUT really CALL!!!!

Name - District - phone number

Bright AL-02 334-277-9113

Wilson OH–06 740-633-5705

Griffith AL-05 256-551-0190

Space OH-18 330-364-4300

Berry AR-01 870-972-4600

Altmire PA-04 724-378-0928

Ross AR-04 501-520-5892

Thompson PA-05 814-353-0215

Mitchell AZ-05 480-946-2411

Murphy PA-08 215-826-1963

Giffords AZ-08 520-881-3588

Carney PA-10 570-585-9988

Cardoza CA-18 209-527-1914

Holden PA-17 717-234-5904

Costa CA-20 559-495-1620

Herseth-Sandlin SD 605-367-8371

Schiff CA-29 626-304-2727

Davis TN-04 202.225.6831

Harman CA-36 310-643 3636

Cooper TN-05 615-736-5292

Baca CA-43 909-888-2222

Gordon TN-06 615-896-1986

Sanchez CA-47 714-621-0102

Tanner TN-08 731-885-7070

Salazar CO-03 970-245-7107

Cuellar TX-28 210-271-2851

Boyd FL-02 850-561-3979

Matheson UT-02 801-486-1236

Bishop GA-02 229-439-8067

Nye VA-02 757-326-6201

Marshall GA-08 478-464-0255

Perriello VA-05 434-293-9631

Barrow GA-12 706-722-4494

Melancon LA-03 225.621.8490

Scott GA-13 770-210-5073

Kravotil MD-01 202-225-5311

Boswell IA-03 515-282-1909

Michaud ME-02 207-942-6935

Minnick ID-01 208-667-0127

Childers MS-01 662-841-8808

Donnelly IN-02 574.288.2780

Taylor MS-04 228.864.7670

Ellsworth IN-08 812-465-6484

Shuler NC-11 828-252-1651

Hill IN-09 812-288-3999

Pomeroy ND 701-224-0355

Moore KS-03 785-842-9313

Arcuri NY-24 315-252-2777

Chandler KY-06 859-219-1366

The Republicans (list is far shorter b/c most are with us); tell them to vote no on H.R. 2454:

Buchanan FL-13 202-225-5015

Gerlach PA-06 202-225-4315

Cao LA-02 202-225-6636

Johnson IL-15 202-225-2371

Ehlers MI-03 202-225-3831

Kirk IL-10 202-225-4835

Frelinghuysen NJ-11 202-225-5034

Smith NJ-04 202-225-3765

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting your voice back and Refuting Liberal Guilt

We really need to wake up in the USA and really purpose to get our voice back. We each have an individual voice, do not negotiate out of fear, do not be silent out of fear, use it. We are listening to a world based on self, The USA was founded on What? Do you remember? Does anyone remember?

We cannot afford to sit down and be silent or listen to tyrannical dictators to tell us what is “Right”. God Gave us each a conscience to tell us what is right, who to help and how to give etc.
Listen to these words and let them speak to you
From Bill of Rights
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

From Our constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

See people like Jimmy Carter prefer dictatorships, because "I only have to talk to one person"

People sit around and just casually let all these freedoms go, not realizing what's happening because they are taken away by demanding that we use certain things or not allowing us to use certain things spewing what is best for "The Greater Good" and All of this is done within the framework of liberal guilt. Well, it is time people start taking a hard look around and seeing where "The Greater Good" is taking us as a people, a country and as individuals. The State is taking your individuality and trying to make you feel guilty for it when it is the one thing that sets you apart from everyone else and gives you the opportunity to be any and everything you want to be, and for those of us who got a rough start well....good it will make every success all the sweeter and we will value life in a way others cannot, so excuses are bull-crap. We must each start taking that liberal guilt they try to push on us and say no way.

Pearl of Wisdom:
"Silvio Berlusconi is a huge conservative, pro-American leader in Italy, and he beat a guy running as the Italian Obama by 11 points. Sarkozy and Merkel did too. This talk that we're hated in the world, the only place it appears to be true is the Arab world -- and Obama can fix that. He understands bitterness."

The Power of USA comes from our faith in GOD and that every single person on the face of the planet has been given a set of unalienable rights FREEDOM from GOD which should not be taken away.

War - how is that our fault. Why do so many blame those who only understand death as a way of change, not those who try to do best to avoid it, do they so easily forget War it is part of any history.
War is sometimes and unfortunately necessary because there are those out there who believe in bullying others and making others submissive to them and only thing they understand is being beat up. I know that is not a popular thought but it is true, just like in school and school yard bully who will not stop till everyone comes together against him/her to stop.

We in America are free thinkers and maybe we think highly of ourselves and take pride in who we are because we have reason to. Because we have a history of perseverance and freedoms that many, in most of the world will never see. Are you ready to give that up and keep apologizing for it? WHY? and Who is behind that. What about the other systems of the world and how they have tried since our inception to defeat us and yet envy us.

In the beginning of our history we were sought out to find out how we over came and how those enslaved and oppressed have now come along to rule and live side by side with all as equals. This is something to be proud of and fight for and die for and live for and shout from the mountain tops. Even in part with the election of Barack Hussain Obama, though he was not elected because of the content of his character it is still a testament to how far we have come as a nation so I can take away a bit of a smile (kind of), though we must never forget, it was the original intent of our foundign fathers that all men be created equal. Only those (the democratic party) fond of slavery kept slavery in tact after we were estabished as a free nation.

There are other amazing histories and they should be something to be proud of too, do we as Americans go around and try to make Germany or Japan or Poland feel guilty for success and overcoming communism or Hitler etc… each of us who have a history that has brought freedom, in any form, should celebrate it and be proud of it. Each unique but still a powerful voice to be cherished and respected. That is spirit of USA.

It is like hating someone because they are beautiful or hating someone because they are smart, why should someone apologize for these things. And why not celebrate your friends who are smarter than you or prettier or what have you. Why be angry and lose good friends because they have or have over come or were just born with it? What is the sense in that?

I am not fond of anger or envy. Life is about Love and forgiveness and understanding. There is nothing wrong with that except to those who love to control and keep people in fear and subservient so sure we can back down and sur-come to the pressure of a good image to china and Iran and Egypt and what have you or we can Stand up and be who the USA has always been FREEDOM FOR ALL!!!!!!!! Maybe we need to take the time to re-educate ourselves, our children, our neighbors, opur neighbors children and then the world to what Dictatorships, Facism, Communism and the alikes have brought to the world, like genocide.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Can we press abort

I Wonder about someone who would appoint a racist judge to the supreme court, appoint a tax cheat to head the federal reserve and appoint 35 lobbyists to his administration (especially when he said he wouldn't appoint ANY lobbyists during his campaign). hmmm? Crooked?

And Well I want to say that I Ayesha officially invite all the Obama worshipers to step outside of the Matrix and see what is really happening...or just go back to sleep

Ok yeah and I am the ignorant one....So who is supporting this guy and why?

Yes just a little venting sorry .........................................

Has anyone even heard of the 10th amendment or know what it is anymore
Obama administration supports Saudi immunity in 9/11 lawsuit
Families of the 9/11 victims, however, have expressed outrage over the Obama administration's filing.
Fifteen of the 19 terrorists who hijacked U.S. aircraft and crashed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia and were affiliated with al-Qaida. Intelligence and past actions link the Saudi government and the four princes with al-Qaida.
Telling Turkiey we are not a Christian nation
Inviting Iranian Diplomats to July 4 Parties
Giving Terrorists American Citizen rights
Closing Gitmo with no place to go
Breaking ties with Isreal
Trying to split up Jeruselum
Throwing Israel under the bus
Obama...Iran has the right to Nuclear power
Supporting a two state solution with a people unable to govern themselves as it is.
Obama Taking U.S. in Descent into Marxism with breath-taking speed
Obama administration’s now-dominant control over General Motors
chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies
the U.S. and Canadian governments will own nearly 75 percent of General Motors, with the U.S. holding a 60 percent controlling stake and Canada with 12.5 percent. The UAW would get a 17.5 percent stake and bondholders would end up with the remaining 10 percent. Existing stockholders would be wiped out. (that is not even legal not to mention unconstitutional)
Controlling Banks
nearly 600 banks nationwide have received a total of $199.2 billion
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It stopped short of nationalizing insurance giant American International Group
what about inflation and not just inflation but Hyper inflation
Unemployment rate is 9% and amongst blacks it is 15% and rising (and the only one hiring is the Feds....can we say communism)
Corruption at DOJ: Case Dismissed Against Black Panthers Who engaged in Voter Intimidation (thanks eric holder)
We are out of money and yet have a purposed 3.7 trillion dollar budget
Printing money on the ACORN tree out back
His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history, but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemer Republican and at worst Zimbabwe.”
Thug like tactics from His administration
from the Threatening of stock holders to the threatening of David Kellerman, the CEO of Freddie Mac
the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny ... DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ ... does not match information reported on the voter registration form
Where is Obama's Birth Certificate anyway
Obama purposefully goes out of his way to silence people who disagree with him
Fairness doctrine
N. Korea testing Nukes left and right and we are just busting out the strong adjectives
A whole slew of anti-life/pro-choice agenda policies (born alive act - FOCA - etc..)
Obama as totally disregarded any Christian values
The list goes on (feel free to add on if you want) but let me just get to my point
does anyone see a trend here

So who is supporting this guy and why? From a secular (liberal & non-God fearing) point of view ok I can say ok I can see it but as a Christian, what God and what Bible are you people reading. Our alliance should be with God and God alone not man or a man. If a person goes against the very Word that gives us life and breath should we not stand up and say hold on wait a minute? You are going down not only a wrong path but a dangerous path and one opposite of the Will of God. We are being judged as a nation, God says He will give us a "king" after the peoples own hearts, well is this our heart in America now? Is this what we stand for. A dumbed down education system where our population knows more about TV stars than our founding fathers and documents. Where people can quote a sitcom more than the Holy scriptures, where we cultivate a culture of death over life? Is this who we are now as a whole? Is this who you are? We are called to repent not only for ourselves but for our nation as a whole. Jeremiah warned of this in His time. What are we doing, how do we want our country to emerge from this? Are we still a Christian and Capitalistic nation bringing light to the world. Striving for the American dream and exceptionalism or are we digressing into whiners with an entitlement mentality so that Marxism, Fascism, Communism and the a likes can rule the day and us as people. The Bible warns of times like this and it is only us who can push back the end and reach out to the nations sending Gods Word to all People that ALL would be saved. We are at a point where failure is not an option.

Oh wait and lets not forget the Muslim Pirates or the Muslim/Islam convert who just opened fire and killed recruit at Military Recruiting Center; Police Cite Religious Motivation. Or Sotomayor the admitted Judicial Activist or the fact we are being made fun of by the UK, Putin, the Chi-coms and even the Russians as they tell us not to go down the ... Read Moreroad of socialism and Marxism and that we have a president with a Messiah complex yet on the most free country in the world Ignorance runs rampant and the masses sit around waiting for some about stimulate yourself with some information not spoon fed you by the mass agenda driven media, hows that for some stimulus,
