Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Everyone keeps asking me how do I feel about Obama’s win?

I keep wanting to push them away and be like dang who cares but instead I began to think on it and for now…….
I don't know how I feel it is such a mix of emotions. I am still taking it all in and filtering through my emotions to find that balance of logic and emotions. I felt overwhelming Sadness when I woke up, and sadness is not something I am used to feeling. I felt bad for my country and who we have become as a nation. But as I saw the faces of those I passed on the streets and bus stops I felt some hope. Hope for them, they had smiles and I see them every day and usually they are not smiling (unless I wave or stop and say hi with a smile) and I thought OK See it will be ok - Maybe this was for them, it is not about me but giving to them that have bought into the lie that they can't or that the America Dream is not for them and now they can say yes it is. I can. Maybe that is what I was missing through this whole thing. and I can pray I have been wrong, I beg to be wrong that I have been the ignorant one as they said that my blindness was my pride. That not everyone is like me, not everyone knows they can, and that Obama no matter if he runs us into a Socialist nation or not has infused a people with a new thought, I am my own destiny and they will be able to hold on to that and step into it with boldness. Never letting it go and never reverting back to the crutch they have held onto for the last 30 years. So the Obama win is bitter sweet but no matter God is on the throne and knows what is best for all, not dems or republicans or conservatives or liberals but all - God said I am no respecter of persons, and concerned only with the eternal soul so I will hold to that. I feel like maybe the words in His books were just words. I feel nervous but hopeful because in the end We are one nation united under God and Love overcomes fear. So if the hearts of the people is Love what is there to be afraid of. But I am afraid also that Socialism will gain a strong foot hold in our nation and destroy what we have built over the last 200 years. as though resistance is futile and we too will be assimilated. But that brings me to gratitude and makes me feel passion. To remember who I am as a conservative and that nothing can change anything except Love. So I feel today the same as I felt yesterday only hopefully today I feel more for my fellow man than I did yesterday. Father I am Clay in your hands.

I welcome the title ignorant and stupid.
May Obama be a GREAT PRESIDENT and prove me wrong.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Vote Black?

by Elder G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries

The 2008 Hip Hop Awards came on the other day and it proved one thing to me. Some black folks will be dumb until Jesus comes back! How can anyone look at pimps, thugs, and gangsters as a good thing that needs to be celebrated? How did Hip Hop become the voice of our youth to the point that the black church is bending over backwards for it's acceptance? This is a shame. But one thing that they did on this show that really got me going was the push for a "black" vote in the election. Not knowing the issues at hand, but yet and still, they constantly pushed the young folks and Hip Hop fans to "vote black" this election.

How embarrassing! These folks undid everything that Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed of in one dumb hour! They took apart his dream and the civil rights movement by pointing to the black candidate as the mandatory vote of black people. This is sad. Martin Luther King said that he dreamed of the day when people would not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character! How can you say, "vote black" and not go against that dream? Just because an African man mixed with white is running does not mean he is the right choice or the only choice for black people. We are moving to the back of the bus again and we don't even see it. As far as straight politics goes, Blacks are the only race of people that are not bipartisan. We have been conditioned to be on one side and never split our vote. Other races and ethnic groups including, Hispanics, Catholics, and Jews put people on both sides of the ticket for leverage and a voice no matter how the pendulum swings. But blacks stay at the back of the bus and don't spread out so when we lose, we lose our voice and power. That's slave mentality.

Our freedom to vote is our right to vote that was fought for by many civil rights leaders in the past. This is the right to vote either way, republican or democrat, and most importantly, it is our right to NOT vote at all if we don't feel that either candidate deserves our support. We have corrupted the freedom of voting so much these days that people don't even know the issues at hand and they are just voting the color of their skin or what pop culture is dictating to them. I'm sorry folks, but we can't stay on this road. This is the road that leads to the accepting of the mark of the beast. This is the road that hides the truth and promotes the lie. This road will get you voting for economics rather than morality. And that's the road that will lead to the Antichrist! The bible said that in the end, you will not be able to buy or sell unless you pledge your allegiance to the beast! Buy or sell? That's economics. That's money! And if you are voting for economic reasons and not considering morality or your own convictions, then you are essentially doing exactly what the bible predicts will happen in the end. People will begin to vote in the man that will lead us to the Antichrist and the end. They will vote this man in based on economic issues and popularity. He will be voted in because of the financial crisis of the government and people will not even consider his true moral ethics. Black Christian leaders have totally abandoned the bible in this election. They have chosen culture over Christ and have accepted the 3 things that the Antichrist will implement in his rule. Abortion, Homosexuality, and the silencing of the truth! These things are on the table and being ignored because of the color of a man's skin?

Muhammad Ali faced the challenge of not fighting in an American war because it went against his religious convictions. He became an African American hero because of it. With that said, if you do not feel that either candidate in this race fits your conviction, then you are obligated to NOT vote at all. I know black people go crazy when you talk like this and they bring up all the slaves that died and the folks that fought for your right to vote. Yet in that same breath, they don't think of the millions that have died of AIDS through homosexual activity, the millions of lives that are not here because of abortion, nor do they consider the millions that are deceived because the church is silent on moral issues!

Sure many fought and died for the right to vote. But that fight was not just for a right to vote, but a right to chose to vote. After all, if we are forced to vote, we didn't have a right to not vote and thus we are still bound and not free. And if you don't have a choice that is comfortable or in line with your convictions, then what do you do? Pick the lesser of 2 evils? Or pick the black man because you are black? God forbid! I will not be guilty of ushering in the Antichrists policies because a man is of color! I am not practicing to receive the mark of the beast. And if you are voting against your own beliefs and bible for the sake of money, color, or party biases, then you have just passed the mark of the beast test. You have just proven that socialistic reasons supersede your spiritual convictions! And this is exactly what the Antichrist will do. He will exalt himself above God and make his immoral beliefs acceptable by all. And without question we see that Barack Obama has caused preachers and pastors, great and small, to follow him in spite of his Antichrist morals. Abortion, homosexuality, and the silencing of the church are on his ticket and yet black church folks don't care. The very things that are killing us as a people are the very things that we are in favor of. The scariest part is that this is just rehearsal for the coming rule of the Antichrist and the black church has lined up on the wrong side! I'm not saying that McCain is the answer, but I'm saying that if you are voting, your convictions as a believer in the bible should out weigh every thing else.

How did we get here? Why are we ignoring the obvious here? The money problems America is having is just a prelude to the coming of the one world government and the rule of the Antichrist. That's why his policies are being tested here in America. I'm not calling Obama the Antichrist, but I'm saying his policy is in line with the morality of the King of the East that will rise up and rule. Barack Obama plans to go into churches and demand that they accept the homosexual agenda. Michelle Obama even bragged at the gay and lesbian counsel of the Democratic National Convention about going into a black church and telling them to stop being homophobic and accept the gay agenda. You can hear it for yourself below.

If this video did not show up on this email, please go to this link to view

Yet, the black church is so full of homosexual activity, it was a plan all along by the enemy to get these homosexual leaders of the black churches in power so that when this agenda comes through the White House, they would lead their flocks directly into it. God showed me 15 years ago that every major black pentecostal denomination would be lead by a homosexual before Jesus returns. And now, they are all in place and leading this nations black churches into the arms of the Antichrist by pushing an agenda that is not of God. Barack even hired a gay pastor to travel with him and Donnie McClurkin to black churches and was welcomed with open arms. What is this? Isn't AIDS the number 1 killer of black people? Isn't abortion black genocide with 1400 performed every day in the black community? Wasn't the black church once the pillar of our community and the moral guide for our youth? Now, all of these things are being undone and reversed because of the Antichrist agenda that is working behind the scenes. What a perfect setup!

Don't get me wrong. White people are as much to blame for the "vote black" mindset as blacks are. You see, if the white leaders of this nation had stood up for blacks in America and confessed their wrong treatment of us and repented openly about it, then healing could have taken place. They should have put our history in the white history books and they should have repented openly and made real atonement for the unjust treatment of our people a long time ago. You can't sweep 400 years of oppression under a rug and expect it to vanish. It's still there and it requires effort to correct more than just 1 month of the year. You see, racism is at the forefront of American politics now because it's been ignored and hidden for so many years. Don't get me wrong, I do feel that we have progressed some as a people, yet we have so many issues because we have not had proper healing from what happened to us. With that said, when the black man that was pushed to the back of the bus sees Obama, he sees justice. When the black woman that was called Nigger all her young life sees Obama, she sees justice. When the preachers that saw the White churches prosper and the black churches shunned see Obama, they see justice. White people that are reading this will never understand what it feels like to be discriminated against because of color. They don't know what it feels like to be called an animal or less than human and treated like a reject! But blacks have experienced that and it's caused us to want justice on a grand scale. And to many, Barack Obama represents progress, justice, and atonement for our people.

But, if his policy and his morality does not line up with the God we serve as true believers, then is it justice or is it a setup? Those of us that have been discriminated against and treated unfairly by whites because of our race need healing. And because this nation has not offered us a just version of healing or paid us just due, we are still hurting as a race of people. But isn't that what Jesus is all about? Wasn't he the savior of Israel when they were in bondage? Didn't he show himself mighty in their time of turmoil and unjust treatment? Isn't that when the power of God comes into play? Don't miss it people of God. Jesus, not Obama, is the real answer here and we must push him instead of a political system! We must stand on the word of God and not waver in this coming election. If you cast your vote for a man that is for the agenda of the Antichrist, you have just passed the mark of the beast test and proven that you will accept the mark, even if it goes against your convictions as a believer and your bible that you read. Come on saints of God, stand up. Don't let anyone sway you here. It's late in the hour and Jesus is taking notes on where you stand. Your vote is your stand. And it would be better to not vote at all than to cast a vote for the very agenda that the Antichrist will promote.

Looking for the rapture,
G. Craige Lewis

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Your Opinion, Survey of some issues - What do you think? Please pick A,B,C or D for each Topic.

Survey of the Issues Please choose A or B for each topic and sometimes C? or D?
Of coarse there are add ons and other angles just pick which is closeset to you. Other wise the survey would be even longer. Sorry cant please all the people all the time ://

A) It is not your body, get over it. Freedom of Choice.
B)Where is the babies choice. I thought we were to be a voice for the voiceless and defend the innocent. Protect and serve I thought that was in our constitution
Freedom of Choice. Let the Baby have a choice. Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. With out life the other two are Mute.

A) Yes, that is how we all got here.
B) Ellis Island ring a bell
How he would handle relations with Iran:
A) Iran where is that, what is wrong with Iran
B) I thought we have been talking to them for like 30 years now I mean 60. Hmmm I guess history is relative
C) By talking to them.

The situation in Iraq:
A) Ask Iraq what they want.
B) Ok
C) Does innocent blood shed or genocide or 9/11 have any bearing to the situation or action implemented

A) Find something we can make ourselves.
B) Ok to A, have at it, let me know when you get that done. Because you know there are no scientists in the USA or anywhere else in the world working on that one.
C) Let’s just keep depending on other countries and destroying their resources then we can worry about using ours

Free trade:
A) I like free stuff. Make goods others will buy.
B) Yep – agreed – the free market works every time
Social Security:
A) Keep your capitalist paws off of it. It is not yours.
B) Hmmmmm Social Security is everyone’s I thought. I thought what was mine was yours and what is yours is mine? Isn’t that the Social Security principle. Guess I need to go back to school.

Stem cell research:
A) Let's learn all we can to better ourselves.
B) Ok Adult stem cells have already proven effective and we have cures for diseases from adult stem cells so lets explore that and get all we can with it. Then we don’t have to cultivate human or whale fetuses for the purpose of destruction. Breed to feed doesn’t sound so compassionate to me.

A) We must pay the man if we want the man to care for US.
B) Uhhhh yeah nuff said there – You did fine on that one – Not what A said

Homeland security:
A) Yep, important
B) We have an Army don't we?

A) Socialism is great
B) Communism – Anarchy what ever just give me mines.
C) Capitalism the 80/20 mix works very well – I am my brothers keeper.

Honesty and integrity:
B) Very important, I think we should hold politicians accountable for what they say. Character is very important and if you don’t do what you say you said you would do I wont vote for you again. I hold my politicians to a high standard.
B) What are those
C) All Politicians lie

The Constitution:
A) The Fundamental Flaw of America – It limits the federal government.
B) A Brilliant document – Thank God for our founding fathers – It is the Fundamentals of our Freedoms.
C) Never read it, what does it say

A) McCain
B) Obama
C) Other
D) No one voting is a waste of time

A) Pay cuts for Politicians is out then. No reason to expect them to live on 40/50k a year like the average middle class family right? For the people by the people is no longer a legitimate freedom. Cutting programs that don’t work is out of the question also.
Cutting spending on programs that don’t need all the money they get that is also not reasonable, some programs actually have to go out looking for participants in order to meet quota and keep the existing funding, like you have to spend what you got last year in order to get the same amount or more the next year and when they are not going to spend all the money they buy anything in order to make the deadline, so actually doing something about that would not help budget problems.
Oh the list goes on but what ever, yeah raise taxes that is the best way to accomplish fiscal responsibility on our government.
B) Taxes raise money to pay off debts.

Health care:
A) Make mine free please. I have no money for insurance.
B) Canada or France or Germany – funny I mention that my Aunt lives in France and gets free health care from the government – She has cancer (I am serious) they say she might have 5 years left. She has been flying to the USA to get treatment for the last 2 years, her free health care is very bad so she spends money on plan tickets, travel and American doctors to try and help her, although she is on some experimental homeopathic thing in France that is hopeful (God is such a great scientist – having made everything and all) but still she is moving back here for some reason, I don’t get it with health care being free there and all. But yeah your right Free is good and government free is even better – Mmmmm government cheese is the best, I grew up on it
There is a fair system to help everyone who cannot afford insurance and we can and should help those who cannot help themselves – medicade, Medicare, Family health plus, those are all good programs but there are those who get left behind like those in that 15k to 30k range who are single with no kids or dependents, we need to focus on them right now and figure out how to get some affordability to them also they are the work engine of USA. Healthcare is not a right but as my brothers keeper lets try and be therefore each other. But if you have and choose to not get so you can have something else don’t get hot when your hurt and with out insurance. Although we will try to help out if we can anyway, slacker
C) What ever – good health was never promised to anyone – get a better job if you can’t afford health care that’s what I did

Gay rights:
A) Sure agreed- Polygamy, Lets lower age of consent to lets say 2 years old – there are millions of folks who will vote for this one, I like dogs and I want to do mine so bestiality too cause my dog loves me unconditionally so who has the right to tell me right from wrong not you I live in America and love is love. Besides I was born this way I have always liked animals and fantasized about being with one.
B) Rights have a foundation and the foundation is paved by love – Like a mother or father who loves their child.
C) How about everybody gets human rights?

A) everyone had the right to own a home, and the government stuck it’s hands into the free market, government regulation forcing private business and creating a partial governmental housing lending institution which had to loan money to people who could not possibly pay it back, In order to be fair to everyone and guaranteed they would pay defaulted loans. Which increased true led to a huge market for sub-prime loans instead of just one or two investors the government took all the risk out of the game and now is making good on that guarantee they made.
B) A mess because some evil folks want to profit.

A) God won't fix it... We have to
B) We are called to be good stewards of the Earth and that is all we can do. So who made the sun? How do we get up to the Sun and fix it? Scientist are working on a rocket though that will withstand that heat so yes agreed
C) Do not worship the Creation but the Creator. Arrogance and Pride is unbecoming of such intelligent creatures

A) Hunting guns yes. Murdering guns no. (AK47)
B) When there were no guns there was no murdering. No death, No crazies.
And I thought the 2nd amendment was established to make sure we the people could always have a militia incase the federal government (like in socialist and communist countries) got to big for its britches and we the people needed to defend ourselves against it. So if the USA Army has tanks and AK47’s and we have 22 pistols and shotguns well Hmmmmm.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Christians, Spartans, Countrymen. A couple of concerns and questions

A couple of concerns and questions

How is telling the truth a personal attack? I don’t understand how bringing up your associations and who you support is an attack, isn’t that just explaining about the person you are so we can see who we are voting for president. It is annoying, to hear Obama cry and whine. Why not refute what is being said. Did you give money to ACRON, Are you friends with terrorists, are you the highest receiver of money from ACORN, Why are you spending unprecedented money on media, ads? How are those personal attacks, are you honestly telling me if McCain was associates with David Duke it would be no big deal?

Don't my friends and mentors help shape who I am? doesn't my personal beliefs direct my passion?

Plus I don’t understand The pro-choice stance as a Christian I am having trouble with this one?

Christians, Spartans, Countrymen

We are not going to win this with out being real everyone. As everyone is so focused on Independents and such I wonder why? As though all blacks are a wash but I tell you, if we focus right if we work as a unit all is not lost. What about democrat Christians? Are they off limit? WHY?


Issue 1:

“Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the
office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress. Yet there are Catholics and Evangelicals — even self-identified pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals — who aggressively promote Obama's candidacy and even declare him the preferred candidate from the pro-life point of view.”
Yet there are self identified Christians, Catholics, Buddhist and other pro-life believers who not only support but are aggressively promoting Obama’s, decaling him their preferred candidate (even from a pro-life point of view)

Is this what God’s people look like now? Well no wonder we are in the state we are in! What is going on here?

Does race and/or party affiliation trump God? The color of skin is that our choice?

I thought as Christians we served a big God! I thought we were to love God before anyone else, I thought we were called to be lights of the world, salt and light.

So What is going on?
Has Satan clouded the hearts of God’s people so much that we are going to vote for a man who undermines the very fabric of who we are as Christians?
Is it as for me and my house shall serve the Lord or is it oh yeah I will, I do but right after I vote for Obama! As for me and my house we shall serve man, Obama, skin color and my wisdom

What does your heart say about these issues?

The Bible






What does your Bible say about these issues? Do they match up? Does Obama?

What is your choice?

It feels good to be in truth

Matthew 6:24/Luke 13:16 You can not serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other

We are in the World but not of the world?

Romans 1:22

Professing themselves to be wise they became fools

Pro 3:5- 6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding but acknowledge him in all your ways and He shall direct your path!

What does GOD SAY?

What is going on here?

Who are we? Christians? Who are you? Let’s send a clear message of what God’s people believe!!!!! As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord.

1 Corinthians 2:12

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I had to steal some quotes from RUSH they were so brilliant just for FYI

In Missouri, officials are buried in duplicate registration forms from ACORN; in Nevada, registrations for the Dallas Cowboys' starting lineup are among the fraudulent submissions. Other states are conducting similar investigations. Eight ACORN workers in Saint Louis recently pled guilty to fraud in the 2004 elections.

The ACORN thing is important along with a whole host of other issues but ACORN is crucial because it puts the lie to all of Obama’s airy hope rhetoric about change and social justice or injustice. ACORN is a 30-year-old organization, and for 30 years they have been listed as nonpartisan and they get government grants.

Tthe right to vote -- in honest and fair elections -- is the cornerstone of our republic; blood was shed for minorities' and women's voting rights in historic struggles that took decades to succeed.
There are investigations of ACORN going on in 13 states now.

I would think this would outrage people.
Even on the Left, I mean it is not about partisen stuff but they are making you look bad, and by defending the practices you are saying oh this is fine, instead of shouting up and saying hey yeah get them – I don’t want some organization like that being a reflection of who I am, I know if it were a Conservative/Republican/Christian organization I would be just as mad and upset as I am now only more because now they just gave me a bad name I have to overcome, along with everything else.

ACORN is a subdivision of the Democrat Party. Even in the original rescue plan, the bailout bill, how much was it for ACORN? There was some millions earmarked for ACORN, and of course somebody spotted it, raised hell about it, and they pulled it out of there.

This is not an attack or mudslinging this is real, Like many things but it is even more real because the fate of our country is at stake. And what about honor doesn’t that mean anything anymore? “Given the ties between Obama and ACORN and the money that his campaign has sent them and the job that he had with them in the past, Obama has a responsibility to rein in ACORN and prove that he's willing to fight voter fraud”

In King County, Washington, to get a governor installed last cycle, Democrats were able to produce more votes than there were voters. In 1960, dead voters in Cook County, Illinois, gave Jack Kennedy his victory in the wee hours of the morning.

I thought about just pulling out pieces of facts I thought were important but then I was like nah Reading is good and I hate trying to retell something or only picking what I think is important

Why should there be some type of outrage on the Left?
His website says: I have nothing to do with ACORN; I never had anything to do with them. I may have known some people there, but ACORN is just some group down the street in the neighborhood that had a sign out that said "ACORN." I don't know anything about ACORN. Let's go December 1st, 2007, Heartland Democrat Presidential Forum. Obama took questions from the moderator, Katherine Hughes. Katherine Hughes says, "If elected president would you agree in your first 100 days to meet with a delegation of representatives from these various community organizations, the Campaign for Community Values, and so forth, can they count on you in your first 100 days to sit down with them?"

OBAMA: Yes. But let me say that before I even get inaugurated, during the transition we're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. (cheering) We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda of the next presidency of the United States of America!

Come on people

The list goes on BTW and finding the actual convictions of ACORN members is not that hard to do, this is not something they have done only this election, it is just they are more bold about it I guess now. They keep getting caught and charged and even convicted but still the organization remains I guess they figure hey why not. Win no matter what, who cares about majority we what power.

"The liberals have the media, and that's what makes it look like this is a country so different from what it reality is. We're not Marxist, we're not socialist, and the majority of our people do not want to sit on their butts and let the government take care of them."

Friday, September 26, 2008

White Republicans

As financial crisis looms for the American Economy and we wait for a solution to be passed by Congress there is still business to do. Now we have to keep pressure on the media and Democrats and even Conservatives to keep a “Bail Out” as conservative as possible. We also have to not lose focus on getting the truth out about who was at fault BUT….. We also can’t lose focus that there is an election to be won. So I wanted to just bring things back to the election a bit. A point that “white republicans” need to start touching on…if they have not already. The black vote, and the black democrat vote at that. So to help inspire you a bit I wanted to say go out find just one black democrat you can find (friend or foe – friend being a better choice heheh) and start talking about the elections. Ask them if they plan to vote, If so do they know for whom yet (lol)? And when they say Obama ask them why? Just as plain as plain can be, don’t hide or cower, don’t be afraid of being called a racist or bigot or any other choice name as to be honest just cause they are not saying it they more than likely already think it about you and yes even if you are their friend they think you cannot possibly understand. But that little question will open a door for you to break down some truths to them that we as blacks are not taught. First the basic principles of conservatism, this is not part of our culture not one lesson on it all we get is media agenda and propaganda from the time of birth and now America is plagued with a whole generation that has not a clue about the truth of history as it pertains to the Republican party. As well when speaking to a democrat black or white you have to keep things simple and break away from the thought they actually know the basics. The basics of economics or the political structure etc…. So pick a subject and only one subject.

Example lets say you ask said person “Hey do you plan on voting this year?” If they say no ask why and push for it but we will assume
They say: “Heck yeah”
You say: “Cool – do you know who yet?”
They look at you like your stupid and say “uhhh Yeah”
You say politely and with all humility “who?”
They say “Obama”
You say: “Obama? Why is that?”
Eyes wide they will probably look at you like what did you just ask me that – they say: “what do you mean”
You say: “I mean why are you picking Obama?” “What do you like about his policy” what ever

Some will come out and say cause he is black others because he is democrat some will bring up specific policy
But which ever it is have an answer – If they say cause he is a Democrat then ask them and what exactly do you mean by that – what is the difference between the two parties. Let them put them selves in a corner and then help them out of it. J Now with that said

Telling a black person that the Republican Party was created for the sole purpose to end slavery is something I would say 80% don’t know. Maybe even more but it is an ice breaker into hey I understand your struggle also here are a few names of Black Republicans to through at them that I am sure 95% do not know. And here are a few other facts to go in with and of course using all humility – As there is no way to undo 30 years of brainwashing, ignorance and indoctrination but If you can inspire thought and inspire someone to think for themselves then you have created a new path for them a path to hopefully enlightenment J - But be ready for the totally irrationally emotional response those will be prevalent as with most democrats when in a corner they name call and go into bizzaro mode, but even that is ok if you keep you cool let them ramble on and finish then bring it back to reality – there are several tactics to do this and do it well. But the most effective is going back to the basics and use allegories.

So some facts Blacks don’t know

Republican Party founded in 1854 as the anit-slavery party until today Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks.
It was Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black codes and Jim Crow laws. They fought passage of every civil rights law from the 1860’s and continued right into the 1960’s
Democrats started the KKK
Dr. Martin Luther King was a republican and was constantly fighting democrats (this will through the Democrat into a tizzy but the Black Democrat will perk up at this and be like really – No way – and perhaps though a fit as well – saying that was then this is now kinda stuff)
It was president Dwight Eisenhower who pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957( He was a Republican) and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools he also appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to US Supreme Court resulting in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of ed decision
Few VERY FEW black Americans know it was Republicans who founded the Historically Black Colleges and Universities
the NAACP and affirmative action (as back in the day it was needed unlike now a days and where it has been grossly corrupted by democrats – AA was actually Nixon’s counter to when Democratic President Woodrow Wilson in 1912 kicked all the blacks out of federal government jobs) was established with Richard Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan crafted by black republican Art Fletcher.
John F Kennedy is lauded as a proponent civil rights leader but he voted against the 1957 civil rights act while senator as did Senator Al Gore Sr.
Kennedy as president was opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King

Any way those are good starting points – Know them learn them and use them – don’t hide it is why so many of my brothers and sisters are so easily indoctrinated sometimes tough love is needed to peel the blinders off those who desperately need it and don’t even know it. If we can gain just a few to understand that will start a domino effect and maybe the next generation will not forget that the Democratic part is as it has always been the Party of the 4 S’s: Slavery, Secession, Segregation and now Socialism heheheehe (as stated by Frances Rice) – Man I might have to post this to my Blog now that I am writing it out

OK Some Prominent Black Republican names to throw out there and Just make the Democrats spin (Danger Will Robinson Danger…..LMBO)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Carter G. Woodson
Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglass
Denzel Washington
Jackie Robinson
Lynn Swann
Sammy Davis Jr.
Mary McLeod Bethune
Colin Powel
Michael L. Williams
Alveda C. King
Alphonso Jackson
Rod Paige
Clarence Thomas
Michael S. Steel
J. Kenneth Blackwell
Don King
Edward William Brooke III
Joe Celestin
Booker T. Washington
Sojourner Truth
Hiram Rhodes Revels

In Order to break the Democrats stranglehold on the black vote and free blacks from the mental slavery of the democrats’ economic plantation we must shed light of truth and not be afraid. We need to show that Democratic policies of socialism and dependency on government offer the pathway to poverty. We need to show that Republican policy and principles of we offer a hand up not just hand outs will give you the future that you dream of. There is nothing more satisfying than hard work, personal responsibility, getting a good education and ownership of your own business and home. This is the pathway to prosperity, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are not spreading some kind of disease. We are not the elitist, racists and “Uncle Tom’s” they make us out to be. We are Americans who believe We are all created equal endowed with inalienable rights from our creator. So go show some compassion and spread the light of truth because there is no time like the present and If we don’t do it now there may not be a beautiful free America much longer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

2 Questions Obama

Barack Obama has said he is a constitutional scholar, right? I mean he has said that and he writes it in his book and resume, right? He taught law, he was head of the Harvard Law Review
Ok so we have established that so Obama has been running commercials in northern Virginia saying that McCain wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and the ad says which would prevent women from getting abortions. Now, the truth is that if that ever happened it would mean that the states would decide the issue, or even Congress for that matter. Reversing Roe v. Wade would not end abortions, to my great disappointment, but nevertheless that's the case. Shouldn’t Obama Know this? And if he does why is he out there running false ads? If he does not know this, how can he call himself a scholar, what kind of student could he have bee? And more over if he didn’t know before he runs the ads shouldn’t he check for accuracy before putting his stamp of approval on it? What kind of leadership does this show? I thought he said he was about change? I thought he wanted to bring integrity to the office?

One Other thing that I keep wondering about Obama, he keeps saying he has a solution to the “economic woes” we are seeing right now and that he has a clear plan to help alleviate the problems we are seeing. GREAT!!!!! What are they? Waiting……waiting…….waiting……Obama says he has a plan but will tell us once he is elected. WHAT??? Isn’t he part of the senate now? Isn’t he being paid to help us and his constituates now!!! Why do we have to wait for him to be elected? If he puts out his plan now and proposes a bill or anything for that matter that is a good policy that will give him a huge bounce, those who have reservations about his lack of experience and understanding will be able to say NOW LOOK there ya go see he does have good sense he is qualified and then if it is a good plan and it works well then WOW he would have his mojo back. But in stead it is like he is trying to hold us hostage with the answer, I will only tell if you vote for me. Vote for me and then I will help. How is that hope and change and compassion? I don’t get it

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little Obama if you dont mind

This whole thing really fascinates me and I have really been trying to figure out how a guy who has like 200 days in the senate has gotten to be a Presidential Nominee and that is not to say that that in itself would be bad but as I listen to him I realize WOW I actually know more about how my government works and post jobs etc.... than he does. WHAT?? I am just some amateur lover of politics and my country - I guess America really is the land of Opportunity and anyone can run
For office and have a chance Man, woman, black, white, citizen immigrant we all have the same chance I LOVE AMERICA - but here in this case Come on people. I want to see a Black Man as President as much as the next person but I want more what is best for my country. And although neither main candidate is any good, what a sad state of affairs we are in that we have Democrat McCain and Liberal wet behind the ears Obama to choose from - I don’t know how we got here but I will say that Obama has no business as the Democratic Nominee - OK OK so just a couple of things before I go

I love information age – This is a great article simple and sweet – My point exactly.

and as a side note I honestly have to say (even though this is not my quote but still I say it too)

To me, it is striking how unqualified Obama is and how this whole thing came about within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say "no" to the black guy. Liberal policies are always end up strangling liberals. I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. It's the reverse of it. They've ended up nominating and placing the top of their ticket somebody that's not qualified, who has not earned it. It's perfect affirmative action. And because all this guilt and the historic nature of things, nobody had the guts to say, "Wait a minute, do we really want to do this?" They do it, and then they start behaving in manners and ways that let us know that they know that they've goofed up with the choice. It actually has been somewhat fascinating to watch.

OH and here is another one on the subject

Obama's complete lack of substance and experience was impossible to conceal. He even caught himself. When he was asked about Clarence Thomas, "Well, I don't think he has the right exper..." He caught himself and said he wasn't qualified at the time he was elevated to that position -- and here's a guy who's been to Yale, a guy who's been to Holy Cross, who spent a year on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. He worked for Ashcroft as assistant attorney general in the state of Missouri, and Obama is what? A street agitator with 140 days in the Senate, and Obama claims that Clarence Thomas is unqualified?
That's another thing he got caught on, by the way, this bill that he voted against three times in Chicago that would allow the killing of babies born alive, babies that had been through an abortion and survived. Obama said he wanted to go ahead and let those babies be killed because that was the initial intent. He said he voted against it because none of the legislation had any kind of protections specifically aimed at Roe v. Wade. Well, one of the occasions, of the three occasions, did, had the specific request Obama wanted regarding Roe v. Wade and he still voted against it -- or for it, whichever. He voted for killing babies. Now, his answer on abortion was, they say, "nuanced." This is not nuance. "Nuance" implies brilliance and elitism, intellectualism. This wasn't nuance. That was avoidance. Obama was avoiding everything that he had to because he knew who the audience was, and because he can't be honest about what he really thinks and believes -- not seeking to be elected president of the United States. It's gotten down to the point now. Look at how tough a job poor old Caroline Kennedy has. You know, she's at the top of the list vetting Obama's veep choices. How difficult must it be for her to find somebody less qualified than Obama? Every resume she's looking at makes his look like a first grade report card! Seriously, folks. I mean, every resume she's looking at makes Obama look like a total beginner, a neophyte. It's gotta be a problem for them. Everybody is starting to whisper that if he has any prayer of winning, he's gotta choose Hillary. And if he chooses Hillary, he's going to have to have somebody taste his food every day and start his car for him every day

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Trashing the Planet

Trashing the Planet
by John Loeffler World Affairs Editor
For decades the planet has been awash in doomsday environmental propaganda proclaiming the imminent demise of earth due to environmental calamity, which only drastic action (and large amounts of government money) can avert. As the avalanche of horror stories mounted - a mixture of truth and fiction - various legislative bodies passed laws and regulations based largely on the recommendations of extreme leftist environmental activists, whose prescription usually advocated some combination of the following:
1. A gradual elimination of capitalism and replacement of it with socialism;
2. Expansion of governmental control over private life and the diminishing of personal rights by a multiplication of mind-boggling environmental laws, regulations, and controls;
3. Gradual abolition of private property or private control over property;
4. Application of extreme financial and criminal penalties for "polluters"; and finally,
5. In its extreme form, removal of humans from large portions of the earth's surface and return of the environment to its pristine state. (The forest fires in the western U.S. last summer are an example of what happens when forests are left alone.) Humans are viewed on a par with the rest of creation, since they are all equally evolved.
While it is noble to protect the environment and rescue endangered species, the reality of radical environmentalism is far from that.
Idealism: Bad Science and Economics
In the past, environmental laws were frequently enacted while ignoring the fact that environmental issues do not exist in an idealistic vacuum - the laws themselves may have a negative impact on people, the economy and, yes, even the environment. Each new government policy ripples throughout a broad spectrum of other concerns as well.
Quite often, the "science" cited to support environmental causes later proves incorrect, but this is rarely ever publicly acknowledged, and the legislation that was originally passed doesn't get repealed or altered. New horror stories simply replace the old and the crisis rolls forward.
In the U.S. many property owners consider finding an endangered species on their property to be a disaster, when it should be a privilege to participate in helping preserve a species. In business, excessive clean water and clean air standards skyrocket the cost of manufactured items, affecting all consumers.
Ranchers, farmers and property owners have lost houses and land due to excessive and, oftentimes, unreasonable regulation. In some cases they were desperately trying to comply with laws or even improve the environment. Property has been seized, fines issued and, in some cases, jail time served. Contrary to the hype, the "polluters" are frequently not big businesses belching out tons of pollutants, but private property owners who just can't keep up with the blizzard of environmental do's and don'ts.
Radical Environmentalism Built on Junk Science
The effects of decades of unwise, unscientific environmentalism are now becoming evident. California's electricity crunch is just one example of radical environmentalism run amok in a socialistic state, a totally man-made crisis. Over the past two decades, environmental groups fought the construction of new nuclear power plants in California and even forced the shutdown of plants which were on-line but had not been on long enough to pay back the immense costs of construction, which was multiplied several times over due to a labyrinth of environmental regulations. As a result, power companies quit building plants.
As the state's population expanded, demands on power rose with no corresponding construction of generating facilities. Then the state "deregulated" (only in the most bizarre sense of the word) the power utilities, allowing wholesale prices to float but capping retail prices to consumers. They also prohibited power companies from engaging in long-term energy contracts, forcing them into daily energy bidding to outside power sources, which drove wholesale prices ridiculously up. Power companies were economically caught in an impossible situation and the power crisis was on...or off as the case may be.
While California looks to the Northwest to make up its energy shortfalls, environmentalists in that part of the country have been trying to tear down the hydroelectric dams on the rivers there, another example of returning nature to its pristine state no matter the cost.
So who got blamed for California's problem? The state government and radical environmentalists that created the situation? Of course not. It was the greedy power companies trying to make a filthy profit. This was consonant with the long-term rhetoric of environmentalism that business is bad but environmentalism is good.
Environmentalism Is Big Business
But environmentalism is mega-big business. It is popular to portray environmentalism as pitting big business (the polluters) against the small guy and helpless nature. But saving the earth, even when it doesn't need saving, is itself a big business growth industry.
In 1999, environmental organizations received $3.5 billion in contributions and work out of posh offices in big cities, a far cry from the dedicated granola-eating environmentalists of 30 years ago, who were close to the land and worked for free to "save the planet."
Environmental organizations engage in mass-mailing campaigns of unsupported horror stories and environmental claims. Some groups spend so much money on fund-raising that only a very small percentage ever goes to saving the environment.
According to Sacramento Bee journalist Ken Knudson:
Six national environmental groups spend so much on fund-raising and overhead they don't have enough left to meet the minimum benchmark for environmental spending - 60 percent of annual expenses - recommended by charity watchdog organizations. Eleven of the nation's 20 largest include fund-raising bills in their tally of money spent protecting the environment, but don't make that clear to members. 1
Environmentalism is no longer tied to science, but has now entered the realm of big politics and big money. Scientific facts are only utilized when they appear to support the latest political fad.
Few people have seen the radical environmental plans of the future and what it will cost them. In the U.S., the Wildlands Project is an active proposal to relocate Americans off about 50% of the landmass they currently occupy and return the land to its pristine state.
According to Matt Bennett of Citizens with Common Sense:
The Wildlands Project (TWP) is "the most ambitious and far-reaching attempt yet to reinvent the North American" continent...Wildlands will be core reserves of millions of acres connected by vast corridors following rivers and other migratory paths from west to east, from Central America and Mexico through the U.S. and Canada, using national forests and other government lands . 2
Other countries conforming to the terms of Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Treaty of the Rio conference face a similar fate.
The Greening of Religion
Various Christian denominations are falling prey to efforts to recruit congregations into what is essentially a pantheistic belief system. The philosophy of radical environmentalism is based in the religious belief of pantheism, that god is in all and all is god; that earth is our mother (Gaia); that all living things have equal value and that mankind has overstepped its bounds, even being a cancer on the rest of nature. Socialism, they say, is the only form of government said to be capable of saving the planet, which must be returned to its pristine, prehuman state. Capitalism, above all, is bad.
A key player in introducing the pantheistic environmental movement into Christian churches is the Lucis Trust organization, originally called the Lucifer Publishing Company, founded by Theosophist Alice A. Bailey. Lucis Trust is a major consulting organization to the U.N.
According to Dr. Michael Coffman, Ph.D. of Environmental Perspectives: of the mechanisms for ensnaring the Christian Church... comes through the Temple of Understanding, whose interfaith purpose is the "reintegration of the sacred into our lives" via "the world's religious traditions" and through "universal spiritual wisdom." The Temple is housed in the Episcopal Cathedral Church of the St. John the Divine in New York City, which is considered by many Christian researchers to be the new age center in the U.S. [emphasis ours]
Dr. Coffman goes on to say:
...the Temple cosponsored a number of international interfaith meetings leading to the creation in 1992 of the National Religious Partnership on the Environment, also housed in the Cathedral of the St. John the Divine. Billed as a "federation of major American faith communities," it is in fact a sanitized version of the new age Temple of Understanding packaged in a way that doesn't alarm Christians ...3
The Partnership has sent environmental literature to over 67,000 congregations and 100 million congregants calling for the Church to make the protection of the earth a central message of the Church. Although written in "Bible-eze," it nonetheless represents a deceptive interfaith attempt to shift the emphasis of the Church from the Gospel of Christ to one of protecting mother earth by creating guilt in Christians for not protecting God's creation...Church leaders are fair game for this kind of deception because they actually believe we are destroying the earth. Like most Americans, exaggerated or false reports of environmental destruction is the only thing they have been told .4
Stewardship vs. Radicalism
In all fairness, there have been serious environmental problems in the past. Much of this was a learning process as technology advanced. But while many problems are being or have been corrected, environmentalism has now gone beyond sane policy and is a mixture of radical idealism and big business/politics, yelling the "sky is falling!"
It is important to be good stewards of the environment that God created and we have indeed learned lessons from the past of what should and should not be done. But true stewardship demands that wisdom be based on sober science and sound economic policy. As God intended, such policy should encourage good stewardship rather than punish those who can't seem to comply with thousands of confusing, complex, arbitrary and constantly changing regulations. If California is any indication, left unchecked, radical environmentalism promises to trash the planet in the name of saving it.
