Friday, November 26, 2010

Timothy F. Johnson Announces His Run to Replace Current State Chairman

November 22, 2010
Media Contact: Alesha Martin
888)698-9571 ext. 125 or

Timothy F. Johnson Announces His Run to Replace Current State Chairman

North Carolina Republican Party Vice Chairman Timothy F. Johnson announces his run to replace current State Chairman Tom Fetzer at the NCGOP State Executive Committee meeting on Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday, January 15th.

Mr. Fetzer announced at the North Carolina Republican Party's State Executive Committee meeting on Saturday, November 20th that he would be resigning effective January 15th due to his new family obligations. Fifty-five years old and married for the first time, October 2009, his wife recently gave birth to their son and he says he wants to spend more time with them since the historical victories in North Carolina and the re-election of US Senator Richard Burr. It is also widely rumored that Fetzer personally recruited and the Associated Press has reported that former Congressman Robin Hayes would be seeking the chairmanship in January.

Frederick Douglass Foundation Vice Chairman Dean Nelson said "Many of you know Tim, as the Founder and Chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation. Under his leadership, the Foundation has expanded to over 20 states with thousands of members and supporters who represent the diversity of America . The Frederick Douglass Foundation is at the forefront of showcasing the many positive contributions, achievements, history, values and principles of the Republican Party since the Party's inception in 1854 as the anti-slavery party. And under his leadership, FDF promoted the historical number of Black Republicans who ran for local, state and federal offices this year, which included and contributed to the successful election of Congressmen-Elect Allen West (FL-22) and Tim Scott (SC-1)."

In North Carolina, State Representative Pearl Burris-Floyd (NC-110) said "No Vice Chairman has covered North Carolina and promoted the Republican Party better than Dr. Tim Johnson. He is prepared to lead the NCGOP."

NC State Representative-Elect Glen Bradley (NC-49) said ""The battle for 2012 begins now, and North Carolina is particularly vulnerable to the Democrat machine - politics as usual is just not good enough to give us the victory. Tim's guidance along with the work by the Frederick Douglass Foundation was critical in winning the District 49 race for NC State House, by far the strongest Democratic district to flip in 2010. Because of Tim, we accomplished what was supposed to be impossible - a clear victory in every precinct of downtown Roanoke Rapids. This is the leadership we need as a party to prevail in 2012, and I am proud to support Tim Johnson for Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party."

NC Freedom Founder and Grassroots Activist, David DeGerolamo endorses Johnson for NCGOP Chairman and said "Dr. Johnson's perseverance to stand up for the people of North Carolina has earned him my complete support for his bid to be the next Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party"

Charlotte, NC Tea Party Organizer Matthew Ridenhour endorses his fellow veteran and said " I am excited to support Tim Johnson for NCGOP Chairman. I have known him for two years, and have seen first-hand his dedication to the grassroots, to expanding the Republican base, and to positioning the GOP for future elections. We made incredible gains in the NC House and NC Senate this year, and we will need strong leadership to ensure that we keep those gains. Tim Johnson is the leader we need."

What else is at stake? His election would be significant as the Republican Party seeks to rebrand the party's image, as a party of inclusion not exclusion. And while his election would not make him the first Black to serve as State Chairman in the United States, he would be the first in North Carolina's history, the first in the South since 1869, and the fourth Black ever. The three individuals who have served as State Chairmen previously are South Carolina's Former Congressman and Lieutenant Governor Alonzo Ransier (1869-1870), Maryland's Former State Senator Aris T. Allen (1977-1979)and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (2000-2002)

PO Box 10823 Rochester, NY 14610
Direct: 585-615-9551 Toll Free: 888-698-9571 ext. 112
Un-color yourself and stay on issue

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

An Open Letter of Support for Carl Paladino

As we’ve seen recently, Gubernatorial Candidate Carl Paladino has come under fire recently. But let me say that Carl Paladino is the best candidate for governor that New York has had in my lifetime. He’s not a politician, concerned with what his opponents or critics will say about him. He’s a citizen legislator whose only focus is on the people he hopes to serve. Carl says what he thinks and believes - not what the New York Times wants him to say.

Carl is not afraid to show his utter disdain (one that we New York taxpayers share) for the Ruling Class in Albany and for the liberal media who are out to destroy him because he’s not from their Class. Unlike Andy Cuomo, Carl Paladino didn’t get to where he is by being born into the New York Ruling Class. He made his money the old fashioned way - he earned it. Andy Cuomo is a trust-fund kid who got to where he is because his father was governor.

What’s Cuomo done in the private sector? Nothing. Carl Paladino runs a development company. He’s actually created jobs and managed a payroll. He understands what businesses in New York need – less government. That’s why he’ll cut taxes, cut spending and get rid of nonsensical regulation that keep businesses struggling instead of hiring.

Andrew Cuomo is an attorney who makes money skimming off the booty he gets from taking from those who have and giving it to those too lazy to get up and get it for themselves. By definition, he’s a Marxist wealth redistributionist. Well, guess what? New York is running out of wealth, as those with any left are moving to states with lower tax rates and more common sense.

For the first time I can remember, New York has a chance to elect its own Ronald Reagan -a governor that actually makes the folks feel good about their state again - and I don’t mean by printing up some T-shirt that says I Love NY. Right now, everyone is wondering, “How the heck am I going to get out of this state? And if I don’t get out now, will I be stuck here, worse off?” It’s that bad. And the air of Cuomo’s inevitability being created by the liberal media and by the Albany Ruling Class is just making it worse. And as a black woman, I’m completely offended at the way the so-called “Black Leaders”- or “The Welfare State Grifters”- are attacking this man. Just because he emailed a joke about the President, whom fewer and fewer Americans can even stomach, doesn’t mean he’s a racist. It’s not racist to oppose a President just because he’s black. Just because he’s black does not mean the bar of required reverence is higher than for white presidents.

Just because the man said that he will set up training camps to train welfare mothers on how to get off welfare and improve their hygiene, people are calling a good man a racist. A racist is one of the worst things you can call a person. Yet it is thrown around without a care. It is slanderous, to be quite honest, and we should not let it stand. What about the complete man? What about the issues? I am not saying the implementation tactic suggested is the best idea or even a good idea, but at least it is an idea. It’s an alternative to those who are leaders in these communities who are constantly telling people to accept their poverty. This promotes a defeatist mentality by telling them it is the “rich white people’s fault” so they never take responsibility for themselves.

How anyone who supports and promotes government dependence and maintaining the status quo in the ghettoes can call anyone racist would be beyond me, if I didn’t know them like the back of my hand. It is just another publicity stunt by those playing plantation politics and racial profiling of Republicans to try and maintain some power. If these folks were serious about changing the lives of those in the “hood,” They would see his heart is in the right place and be calling Carl Paladino to offer their good ideas and advice on how to improve the economically disparaged and devastated. Instead, like puppets on a string, they are out their tearing apart a person who isn’t looking at color but just wants to better the lives of everyone! And last I checked, there were people of many races who receive welfare. Carl never even mentioned race. If one wanted to be as unfair as these “leaders” are being we could turn the tide on them, and accuse them of being racist because they implied that all welfare recipients are black.

The Welfare State Grifters are trying to smear conservative politics as racist. Sure, they’ve been doing that forever, but now they’ve got Obama ‘the wonder boy’ as their figure head. Disagreeing with him is racist. We, as a society that claims it wants to be colorblind, cannot let that stand. And those that would stoop so low as to create an environment where one feels ashamed to admit he’s not on board with Obama’s plan to turn America into a Socialist workers paradise on the highway to bankruptcy need to be defeated.

Liberals don’t make poverty any more fun. They just skim the money given to those willing to live in poverty in exchange for welfare and their vote. And the ferocity they are displaying towards Carl Paladino is the way they show their fear of this fine man. This is a man who is fun to be around. Can I imagine Cuomo being fun to be around? With all his hatred for me, and anger that I, a black conservative woman, even exists? Not a chance. He doesn’t understand America, New York or anything that I hold dear. He’s just another angry liberal Welfare State Grifter, a man too arrogant and pompous to be more concerned about the people in this state than he is about the maintenance and acquisition of his own power.

Carl Paladino is willing to take a pay cut to go and clean up the mess that our state government has created. And for that, I give him my full support.

Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York Kick off Event: Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave

"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." Frederick Douglass

Minorities in America are leading in all of the WRONG areas: Incarceration rates 47%, Drop-out rates 44%, Abortion rate 38 %, and children born to fatherless homes 72%. Yet we make up only 14% of the population. We are better than that.

Knowing that every politician in your neighborhood is a Democrat, where things rarely seem to get better, how does it make sense to continue to just blame the Republicans for the mess?

Frederick Douglass said, "What is possible for me is possible for you."

We have the opportunity to do anything now, let us show the world we can.

As Americans it is time we re-evaluate our allegiance to the Democratic Party and reject Cronnie Capitalism. We must build on the rich heritage of Fredrick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr, Soujourner Truth, George W. Murray and many many more.

Our Goals must be to educate, enhance, and empower ourselves. There has always been much talk in the community about “our history” and who we are as a people, why don’t we actually remember, that until the 1960s, the Democratic Party was for whites only? There were no free black Democrats. Have you ever wondered why ALL blacks were Republicans, or why the first black politicians after the Civil War were all Republican? Hiram Rhodes Revels, for example, served in the 41st Congress between 1870 and 1871. It is tragic that most Americans born after 1950 have no idea about their rich heritage and history.

It was the Republican Party that abolished slavery, established voting rights for blacks, integrated our public schools and appointed qualified blacks to positions of authoritity.

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose.”Frederick Douglass

To succeed and compete in todays world Blacks need to understand economics, and not the kind that our local politicians peddle to keep us poor. Supply and demand isn’t just a construct invented by white people to keep black people poor. It’s real, and it affects the prices, costs and availability of all products and services.

Lower taxes aren’t just for greedy rich whites who want to take money from poor black folks. They enable businesses, big and small, to form, grow and hire folks to work. Lowering taxes helps the free market enterprise drive the economy by producing jobs, allowing more unemployed people to leave the welfare rolls and enter the work force, and that’s the equivalent of teaching a man to fish rather than giving him the fish in exchange for your vote- like the Democrats do as they expect us to blindly vote for them as if we were a people without the mental capacity to think for ourselves or believe we deserve more than the leftovers of everyone else. More businesses and more jobs create competition but also more demand in the form of more workers with a paycheck to spend, and this results in reduced prices for goods and services.

The lies of the Democrat Party are what keeps minority neighborhoods poor, and for this reasons alone you have every reason to vote Republican.

Democrats have been winning the PR Campaign for far too long. It’s the Democrats who rewrite history and control the educational systems. It was the Democrats who told blacks that life will be better for you if you just start voting Democrat. They said they’d leave them alone and stop the violence and lynching’s. Remember, it the Democrat party was the party of the KKK. And remember, every soldier that fought the Civil War for the South against Republican President Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat. And now it is the Democratic PR machine that tells the black man it isn’t so. Furthermore, your Democrat betters conveniently erase from history great men such as black Republican pioneer Dr. Arthur Fletcher. He is known as the father of affirmative action, he served as secretary of labor under President Richard Nixon, and he headed the U.S. Civil Rights Commission under President George H.W. Bush. But because he was a Republican, nothing great is rarely spoken of this man.

For years now, the racist label has been attached to Republicans without any supporting evidence. Yet the charge has gone mostly unanswered. Few have publicly addressed the unearned condemnation, and generations of black folk live and die without ever knowing the truth.

Fredrick Douglass said “I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.”

Why have you never questioned or wondered? Well, now that you have a little piece of the puzzle you can. Start today and open up a whole new world of possibilities for yourself.

Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz
President of The Fredrick Douglass Foundation of New York
PO Box 10823 Rochester NY 14610 - or

Frederick Douglass Foundation
Of New York

Please come out and join us
October 26th at 5:30 for our Free Kick off Event at 1 Favor Street Rochester, NY 14608
Music, Laughter, Dance and Discussion as we Educate, Enhance and Empower
Refreshments will be served

Learn more about who we are and how you can be part of the 21st century abolitionist movement

We will provide candidates and the community an opportunity to come together and hear from each other. We must bridge the gap, unite to revitalize our communities and “preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth” America. Ronald Reagan.

RSVP to event here -!/event.php?eid=147729541934562&ref=mf or email me back. And if you would like to volunteer to help we can use the hands and feet!

Please Share and hlep make This event successful, If you know of anyone who may want to be a speaker (Pastors, Political Candidates etc...) or have a table/booth at the event please have them contact me toll free 888-698-9571 ext. 112 or Direct at (585) 615-9551

You can comment on the note here¬es_tab=app_2347471856#!/note.php?note_id=430066953659
Un-color yourself and stay on issue an

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Mosque Controversy by Thomas Sowell

The proposed mosque near where the World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed, along with thousands of American lives, would be a 15-story middle finger to America.

It takes a high IQ to evade the obvious, so it is not surprising that the intelligentsia are out in force, decrying those who criticize this calculated insult.

What may surprise some people is that the American taxpayer is currently financing a trip to the Middle East by the imam who is pushing this project, so that he can raise the money to build it. The State Department is subsidizing his travel.

The big talking point is that this is an issue about “religious freedom” and that Muslims have a “right” to build a mosque where they choose. But those who oppose this project are not claiming that there is no legal right to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center.

If anybody did, it would be a matter for the courts to decide — and they would undoubtedly say that it is not illegal to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center attack.

The intelligentsia and others who are wrapping themselves in the Constitution are fighting a phony war against a straw man. Why create a false issue, except to evade the real issue?

Our betters are telling us that we need to be more “tolerant” and more “sensitive” to the feelings of Muslims. But if we are supposed to be sensitive to Muslims, why are Muslims not supposed to be sensitive to the feelings of millions of Americans, for whom 9/11 was the biggest national trauma since Pearl Harbor?

It would not be illegal for Japanese Americans to build a massive shinto shrine next to Pearl Harbor. But, in all these years, they have never sought to do it.

When Catholic authorities in Poland were planning to build an institution for nuns, years ago, and someone pointed out that it would be near the site of a concentration camp that carried out genocide, the Pope intervened to stop it.

He didn’t say that the Catholic Church had a legal right to build there, as it undoubtedly did. Instead, he respected the painful feelings of other people. And he certainly did not denounce those who called attention to the concentration camp.

There is no question that Muslims have a right to build a mosque where they chose to. The real question is why they chose that particular location, in a country that covers more than 3 million square miles.

If we all did everything that we have a legal right to do, we could not even survive as individuals, much less as a society. So the question is whether those who are planning a Ground Zero mosque want to be part of American society or just to see how much they can get away with in American society?

Can anyone in his right mind believe that this was intended to show solidarity with Americans, rather than solidarity with those who attacked America? Does anyone imagine that the Middle East nations, including Iran, from whom financial contributions will be solicited, want to promote reconciliation between Americans and Muslims?

That the President of the United States has joined the chorus of those calling the Ground Zero mosque a religious freedom issue tells us a lot about the moral dry rot that is undermining this country from within.

In this, as in other things, Barack Obama is not so much the cause of our decline but the culmination of it. He had many predecessors and many contemporaries who represent the same mindset and the same malaise.

There are people for whom moral preening has become a way of life. They are out in force denouncing critics of the Ground Zero mosque.

There are others for whom a citizen of the world affectation puts them one-up on those of us who are grateful to be Americans, and to enjoy a freedom that is all too rare in other countries around the world, even at this late date in human history.

They think the United States is somehow on trial, and needs to prove itself to others by bending over backwards. But bending over backwards does not win friends. It loses respect, including self-respect.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Did The “Races” Come From?

Waiting in airports and long airplane rides have become a way of life for the ICR staff scientist. Imagine my appreciation when two black servicemen engaged me in a delightful conversation about creation the other day.

As it turned out, both men were dedicated Christians, but had no previous teaching on creation, although both knew evolution had to be wrong, based on the clear statements of Scripture.

Finally, they asked the question which they had always wanted to ask, but had never dared to: Where did the races come from?

Perhaps I was reading too much into their comments, but I felt like weeping (and still feel like weeping) as I recognized what generations of racial prejudice had done to these two men. From Darwin on down, evolutionists have preached that the Negro race was lower on the evolutionary scale, much closer to the apes than the Caucasian. As a matter of fact the whole concept of race is evolutionary, not Biblical, for”God hath made of one blood all nations of men” (Acts 17:26). All of mankind springs from our first parents, Adam and Eve, and then through Noah’s family. The Biblical distinction is between national groups, and especially languages, not skin color or other physical characteristics. These two men, and probably many blacks, had been bludgeoned by evolutionary dogma into questioning their own self-worth, wondering if their standing before God was equal to that of other ethnic groups.

Actually, the Biblical model regarding the origin of physical characteristics is easily the best historical and scientific explanation. Starting with Noah’s family, the creation model postulates a “racially mixed” population, with much biological potential for variation. As family groups were isolated by language barriers, environmental factors allowed particular traits already present to be expressed more frequently, while genes coded for other characteristics were not favored and were eventually suppressed.

Genetically speaking, the differences between the various races are extremely small. All are of the same species, are interfertile, and produce fertile offspring. The most noticeable difference is in skin color, but the fact is, we are all the same color; some people just have a little more of that color than others. Skin shade is due to the amount of a substance called melanin in the skin; the more melanin, the darker the skin. Racially mixed individuals can parent children who are all the way from quite dark to quite light, or anywhere in between. The predominant shade for freely interbreeding individuals would be brown.

While prejudice, persecution, and racial hatred follow directly from the application of evolutionary teaching, some have even proposed racism in the name of Christianity. The Christian must not allow himself or herself to think this way. The Lord Jesus certainly didn’t. He was likely neither white nor black, but somewhere in between. He died to provide all men the opportunity for eternal life (II Peter 3:9, for example). Indeed, heaven will be populated by “a great multitude . . .of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues (who will) stand before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes” (Revelation 7:9), all redeemed by His blood. In the end, all racism, as well as racial distinctions, will be abolished.

*Dr. John Morris is President of ICR.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mission Trip - Will You help Save a childs Life today?

If everyone I know donates just $5 we will reach our goal of $5,000 by July 15th

You can donate on line too at

The Life Ballet by the Yahweh Ballet

Make checks out to Dance for Joy Studios

501 (c)3 All donations are Tax deductable

In the memo line just put Kreutz or latin So they know who to appropriate funds to.

Send to 4 Elton Street Rochester, NY
14607 Phone: (585) 442-7196 questions email

Thanks, All
blessings to you all and much Love With your help We can do it!!!!!

Here is The Letter I have been sending out

Dear Friends, Family and Supporters: Please invite others!

We are having a wonderful year at The Amanda Rose Belmont Center for Arts and Movement and Yahweh Ballet, and feeling God's will to do more for the world around us. God has presented a wonderful and challenging dance ministering opportunity to go to Canada on a five-day, pro-life, missions trip with The Life Ballet, a Pro-Life Show presented by The Yahweh Ballet, in which I have an important part. We have been asked to come to The Miracle Channel in Canada to film a show excerpt. While there, we will perform the show at area Canadian churches. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires much financial support. Each person needs to raise $1,500 by July 15 to attend! This is where your help comes in. 1, $5, $20, $100, $2,000, every little bit helps. We are also accepting donations of Gift Certificates, Services, Gift Cards, Crafts, books, Merchandise etc... to help with fundraising baskets we are putting together. If you would like to sponsor us or help by doing a fundraiser for the school/mission, you may reply by email, pledge card or by visiting directly.

You can find out more about our Christian ballet company at For more information about The Life Ballet and our trip go to: (see trailer called "Bring The Life Ballet to Canada"). All contributions are tax deductible as a 501 (c)3 - We are looking for corporate sponsors as well. See attachment for Photos and Pledge card. Here is another link to share

Here is our Dance Missions Trip Schedule:

Leaving Fri., August 20 from Toronto.
Tape Date: Tues., August 24 at The Miracle Channel in Lethbridge, Canada. The show name is UFONIC. For more information go to
Returning: Wed., August 25.

The Life Ballet addresses a dire situation of babies being killed around the world every day. God has opened up a door for me to develop a greater heart of compassion for His people. This is not only my opportunity to be used by God by reaching out and spreading the Good news of God’s forgiveness and redemptive love, but yours as well. Even if we are able to save just one baby, one blood line or one soul, I think it is worth it. It is exciting that through The Life Ballet we can change hearts and minds and be part of touching lives For Jesus.

We need prayer and support. While I will be very grateful for any financial support you could offer, it comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God's leading in ministry. We need prayer for the hearts of those who will be seeing the ballet; for me; for my fellow students; for the dance school; and for all our volunteers and directors. We need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and bless our efforts as we minister through dance to the hearts of men and women affected by abortion. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish and will prayerfully consider supporting us. With your help, I am sure we can reach our goals!

1. To contribute & be part of this mission through your financial support, send a check payable to Dance for Joy to: The Amanda Rose Belmont Center for Arts and Movement and write my name in the memo line. All contributions are tax deductible.

2. Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, if you will pray we will send a refrigerator magnet that will remind you to pray daily for our mission.

I look forward to doing God's will and letting you know all about how God has worked through this team when I return.

In Christ,

Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz, Kezia and Leviticus Latin

Phone: (585) 442-7196 E-mail: 4 Elton Street Rochester, NY 14607

Join our group and if one of your friends donates just $1 it will make a difference - We need to raise $5,000 By July 15th

Monday, May 10, 2010

Climate Change and the Death of Science

Published October 31, 2009
I think Originally By E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D.

Mike Hulme, Phil Jones,Tim Nicholson

[Note: the following was written on October 31 and updated November 3, before the 'Climategate' CRU email scandal broke, and it is all the more pertinent in the light of those disclosures. The CRU emails show how science has been perverted into a political movement, and how scientists conspired to serve a 'post-normal' agenda where truth is trampled - exactly as the proponents of 'post-normal' science had anticipated. With the association between 'post-normal' science developed by Ravetz and its application in climate science by Hulme now widely exposed by this present post, Ravetz and Hulme jointly authored an article, published by the BBC on December 1, entitled 'Show Your Working': What 'ClimateGate' means in which they sought to promote post-normal science further by capitalizing on the public disgust at the corruption of 'normal' science. This is cynical because normal science was corrupted by covertly introducing post-normal activities in the first place.]

What has become of science? We thought that science was about the pursuit of truth. Then we became perplexed at how quickly scientists have prostituted themselves in the service of political agendas. We have seen the unedifying spectacle of scientists refusing to share their data, fiddling their results, and resorting to ad hominem attacks on those who have exposed their work to be fraudulent. We have seen the Royal Society becoming a shamelessly crude advocacy society. We have seen President Obama choosing notorious climate alarmists and liars to be his personal advisors. We have seen the peer review process and journal editors colluding to prevent publication of results that do not serve the politically-correct agenda, and scientists refusing to consider results that demolish their pet theories. What is going on here?

What is going on is that science is no longer what we thought it was. It is now a tool in the hands of socialists, and the smart money is flowing into the pockets of ‘scientists’ who will serve their agenda. Follow the money. Whilst traditional physics and chemistry departments are closing in British universities, and there is a shortage of science teachers, there is an abundance of cash being poured into departments that will serve socialist ends, and no shortage of acolytes desirous to use this as a route to power. Once there was modern science, which was hard work; now we have postmodern science, where the quest for real, absolute truth is outdated, and ‘science’ is a wax nose that can be twisted in any direction to underpin the latest lying narrative in the pursuit of power. Except they didn’t call it ‘postmodern’ science because then we might smell a rat. They called it PNS (post-normal science) and hoped we wouldn’t notice. It was thus named and explicated by Silvio O. Funtowicz and philosopher Jerome R. Ravetz, who in 1991 wrote the paper A New Scientific Methodology for Global Environmental Issues, followed in 1992 by The good, the true and the postmodern, and in 1993 by Science for the post-normal age, where they promoted the idea that

…a new type of science – ‘post-normal’ – is emerging…in contrast to traditional problem-solving strategies, including core science, applied science, and professional consultancy…Post-normal science can provide a path to the democratization of science, and also a response to the current tendencies to post-modernity.

The ‘response’ wasn’t to be a reaction against postmodernism, but an embracing of it, and going beyond it. And it has sinister ramifications.

We had already been warned about Ravetz in the 1987 work Changing Powers of the Political, which stated

From the perspective of Anglo-American liberalism it seems easy enough to…point out that the old predictions of the British Marxist J.D. Bernal about the triumph of basic research under socialism have proved hopelessly wrong, and that the demands of J.R. Ravetz of the University of Leeds that science be made instrumental and moral will destroy the enterprise whatever its short-term benefits.

Ravetz, who described himself as a peacenik intellectual, was a political radical who drew on neo-Marxism, and was a stalwart in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), anti-nuclear lobbies, and the Anti-Concorde Project. He is well known for arguing that the pursuit of truth in science is an obsolete and dangerous concept. He declared

…the puzzle-solving approach of ‘normal science’ is obsolete. This is a drastic cultural change for science, which many scientists will find difficult to accept. But there is no turning back; we can understand post-normal science as the extension of democracy appropriate to the conditions of our age.

For us, quality is a replacement for truth in our methodology. We argue that this is quite enough for doing science, and that truth is a category with symbolic importance, which itself is historically and culturally conditioned.

To pursue truth is to make a category mistake, so pursue the nebulous concept of ‘quality’ instead. So much for facts: scientists need to learn how to serve the craft of rhetoric. Even though it was concealed from those who constructed the models, the purpose of climate models was to provide the power of metaphor to political rhetoric:

…climate change models are a form of “seduction”…advocates of the models…recruit possible supporters, and then keep them on board when the inadequacy of the models becomes apparent. This is what is understood as “seduction”; but it should be observed that the process may well be directed even more to the modelers themselves, to maintain their own sense of worth in the face of disillusioning experience.

…but if they are not predictors, then what on earth are they? The models can be rescued only by being explained as having a metaphorical function, designed to teach us about ourselves and our perspectives under the guise of describing or predicting the future states of the planet…A general recognition of models as metaphors will not come easily. As metaphors, computer models are too subtle…for easy detection. And those who created them may well have been prevented…from being aware of their essential character.

In 1990 Ravetz published The Merger of Knowledge with Power, then in 2002 a paper The Challenge beyond Orthodox Science. Of the book by E.F. Pecci, Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness, a book about parapsychology, psychokinesis and extrasensory perception, he says it “creates a bridge between modern physics and the realm of subtle energies…it opens the way to an expansion of our scientific conceptions to include those other energies that are increasingly important for our comprehension of the world around us.” In 2007, Ravetz, then at the University of Oxford, published a paper Post-Normal Science and the complexity of transitions towards sustainability saying that post-normal science needed to be taken to the next stage.

The theory of Post-Normal Science…needs to be renewed and enriched…The time is not ripe for a modification of PNS, and so the best move forward is to raise the issue of Sustainability. For that I sketch a theory of complex systems, with special attention to pathologies and failures. That provides the foundation for a use of ‘contradiction’ as a problem incapable of resolution in its own terms, and also of ‘characteristic contradiction’ that drives a system to a crisis. With those materials it is possible to state the characteristic contradiction of our modern industrial civilisation, and provide a diagram with heuristic power.

Heuristic power is the power to explain ‘factual novelties’. ‘Contradiction’ and ‘characteristic contradiction’ are Marxist speak. Heard about ‘sustainability’ recently? You bet! Ravetz gives the Greens the tools they need to do their dirty work. He gives them the philosophical blueprint to attack modern industrial civilization. Now, let’s be clear: post-normal science is one of the manipulative arts that Machiavelli would have been proud of.

We will take as classic examples and exponents of post-normal science the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, and Mike Hulme, the founding director of this Tyndall Centre, and Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia (UEA). Hulme makes it clear that the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is well and truly in the bag. Stuart Blackman interviewed Hulme back in May, 2009, and described him as “one of the UK’s most distinguished and high-profile climate scientists” and the Tyndall Centre as “an organisation so revered by environmentalists that it could be mistaken for the academic wing of the green movement”. The Tyndall Centre is deeply infiltrated by those serving the Green agenda, and produces work for advocacy groups such as Greenpeace and the IPCC. It is funded by the British taxpayer, receiving grants from the three Research Councils NERC, EPSRC and ESRC. We read today on their website

Situations Vacant: Three Lecturers in Climate Change at Tyndall UEA
These new academic staff appointments at UEA have been created as a result of substantial new investments in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. The posts offer excellent opportunities for continuing, or developing, internationally outstanding research careers.

Notice that these are not lecturers in climate science, but climate change. We will see below what these lecturers will be expected to espouse and teach. The fig leaf that this might have been science has now been dropped. As Mike Hulme has said

[The] chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, recently urged the media to focus on the “scientific rationale for action” rather than the political aspects of climate…I disagree…In the end, politics will always trump science…we need better politics, not better science.

So what actually is ‘Post-Normal Science’? Dr John Turnpenny of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, in his paper What is post-normal science? A critical review of its development, definitions and usages (“Post Normal Science – perspectives & prospects” June 26/27, 2009 at Oxford), had this to say:

The concept of post-normal science (PNS) has been developed as a potential approach to addressing wicked issues…As such, the ‘science’ in PNS is not limited to a conventional understanding of the word…

So let’s stop calling it science. For a fuller description of post-normal science we turn to the essay by Eva Kunseler, Towards a new paradigm of Science in scientific policy advising (headings and italics added):

Normal science
[Normal] Science is a logic inductive process leading to theory formulation, while all the way put through critical tests that have been deductively derived from the theory; Popper’s critical rationalist concept of science is an objective progression toward the truth…The term normal science refers to the routine work of scientists within a paradigm; slowly accumulating knowledge in accord with established theoretical assumptions…The paradigm is enlarged and frontiers of knowledge and techniques pushed forward.

The exercise of scholarly activities is defined by the dominance of the Mertonian CUDOS norms of science. They include:
(C)ommunalism – the common ownership of scientific discoveries, according to which scientists give up intellectual property rights in exchange for recognition and esteem;
(U)niversalism – according to which claims to truth are evaluated in terms of universal or value-free criteria;
(D)isinterestedness – according to which scientists are rewarded for acting in ways that appear to be selfless;
(O)rganized (S)kepticism – all ideas must be tested and are subject to structured community scrutiny.

Post-normal science
A new concept of science was introduced by Funtowicz and Ravetz during the 1990s…The concept of post-normal science goes beyond the traditional assumptions that science is both certain and value-free…The exercise of scholarly activities is defined by the dominance of goal orientation where scientific goals are controlled by political or societal actors…Scientists’ integrity lies not in disinterestedness but in their behaviour as stakeholders. Normal science made the world believe that scientists should and could provide certain, objective factual information…The guiding principle of normal science – the goal of achievement of factual knowledge - must be modified to fit the post-normal principle…For this purpose, post-normal scientists should be capable of establishing extended peer communities and allow for ‘extended facts’ from non-scientific experts…In post-normal science, the maintenance and enhancement of quality, rather than the establishment of factual knowledge, is the key task of scientists… Involved social actors must agree on the definition of perceptions, narratives, interpretation of models, data and indicators…scientists have to contribute to society by learning as quickly as possible about different perceptions…instead of seeking deep ultimate knowledge.

So this is not science as we know it. Science has to re-invent itself as a political tool, just as it was under Hitler and Stalin. Scientists must learn ‘as quickly as possible’ what will please the political elite, and serve it up. As one Richard Fernandez has written:

All in all, the notion of “post-normal science” seems like a complete contradiction in terms or a perversion of the standard definition of science as commonly understood. It appears to be an elaborate and dishonest attempt to pass off the preferences of a single group as some kind of pseudo-science. There’s a much simpler term for this dishonest phrase: politics. Post-normal science is nothing but a cheap and lying term for a political diktat; for the rule of the self-appointed over everyone else. Whatever truth “Global Warming” may contain it has surely been damaged by its association with this disreputable and vile concept which brazenly casts aside the need for any factual basis and declares in the most unambiguous terms that whatever values it chooses to promote constitutes a truth unimpeachable by reality and a set of values that none dare challenge.

Mike Hulme, founding director of the Tyndall Centre, and Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia (UEA), prepared climate scenarios and reports for the UK Government (including the UKCIP98 and UKCIP02 scenarios, and reviewer for UKCP09), the European Commission, UNEP, UNDP, WWF-International and the IPCC, and was co-ordinating Lead Author for the chapter on ‘Climate scenario development’ for the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, as well as a contributing author for several other chapters. Hulme has been a champion and exponent of post-normal science for some years to serve his own socialist agenda, and this is what he has to say about post-normal science (some italics added):

Philosophers and practitioners of science have identified this particular mode of scientific activity as one that occurs…where values are embedded in the way science is done and spoken.

It has been labelled “post-normal” science. Climate change seems to fall in this category. Disputes in post-normal science focus…on the process of science – who gets funded, who evaluates quality, who has the ear of policy…The IPCC is a classic example of a post-normal scientific activity.

Within a capitalist world order, climate change is actually a convenient phenomenon to come along.

The largest academic conference that has yet been devoted to the subject of climate change finished yesterday [March 12, 2009] in Copenhagen…I attended the Conference, chaired a session…[The] statement drafted by the conference’s Scientific Writing Team…contained…a set of messages drafted largely before the conference started by the organizing committee…interpreting it for a political audience…And the conference chair herself, Professor Katherine Richardson, has described the messages as politically-motivated. All well and good.

The danger of a “normal” reading of science is that it assumes science can first find truth, then speak truth to power, and that truth-based policy will then follow…exchanges often reduce to ones about scientific truth rather than about values, perspectives and political preferences.

…‘self-evidently’ dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth-seeking…scientists – and politicians – must trade truth for influence. What matters about climate change is not whether we can predict the future with some desired level of certainty and accuracy.

Climate change is telling the story of an idea and how that idea is changing the way in which our societies think, feel, interpret and act. And therefore climate change is extending itself well beyond simply the description of change in physical properties in our world…

The function of climate change I suggest, is not as a lower-case environmental phenomenon to be solved…It really is not about stopping climate chaos. Instead, we need to see how we can use the idea of climate change – the matrix of ecological functions, power relationships, cultural discourses and materials flows that climate change reveals – to rethink how we take forward our political, social, economic and personal projects over the decades to come.

There is something about this idea that makes it very powerful for lots of different interest groups to latch on to, whether for political reasons, for commercial interests, social interests in the case of NGOs, and a whole lot of new social movements looking for counter culture trends.

Climate change has moved from being a predominantly physical phenomenon to being a social one…It is circulating anxiously in the worlds of domestic politics and international diplomacy, and with mobilising force in business, law, academia, development, welfare, religion, ethics, art and celebrity.

Climate change also teaches us to rethink what we really want for ourselves…mythical ways of thinking about climate change reflect back to us truths about the human condition…

The idea of climate change should be seen as an intellectual resource around which our collective and personal identifies and projects can form and take shape. We need to ask not what we can do for climate change, but to ask what climate change can do for us…Because the idea of climate change is so plastic, it can be deployed across many of our human projects and can serve many of our psychological, ethical, and spiritual needs.

…climate change has become an idea that now travels well beyond its origins in the natural sciences…climate change takes on new meanings and serves new purposes…climate change has become “the mother of all issues”, the key narrative within which all environmental politics – from global to local – is now framed…Rather than asking “how do we solve climate change?” we need to turn the question around and ask: “how does the idea of climate change alter the way we arrive at and achieve our personal aspirations…?”

We need to reveal the creative psychological, spiritual and ethical work that climate change can do and is doing for us…we open up a way of resituating culture and the human spirit…As a resource of the imagination, the idea of climate change can be deployed around our geographical, social and virtual worlds in creative ways…it can inspire new artistic creations in visual, written and dramatised media. The idea of climate change can provoke new ethical and theological thinking about our relationship with the future….We will continue to create and tell new stories about climate change and mobilise these stories in support of our projects. Whereas a modernist reading of climate may once have regarded it as merely a physical condition for human action, we must now come to terms with climate change operating simultaneously as an overlying, but more fluid, imaginative condition of human existence.

We always said that Climate Change was a belief system, and there you have it. It has abandoned the pretence of objective science. As Hulme reveals, it is a postmodern narrative and the IPCC is a “classic example of a post-normal scientific activity”. This is leading to ridiculous situations. In early November 2009, a certain Tim Nicholson was granted permission to take his former employer Grainger to a tribunal. Commenting on this, his lawyer states:

Essentially what the judgment says is that a belief in man-made climate change and the alleged resulting moral imperative is capable of being a philosophical belief and is therefore protected by the 2003 religion or belief regulations.

Nicholson said he had tried to set up a carbon management system for the company, but was unable to work out its carbon footprint because staff had refused to give him the necessary data. He accused the chief executive, Rupert Dickinson, of showing “contempt” for his beliefs by not minimizing carbon emissions. Commenting on this issue in The Guardian, Andrew Brown, clearly in favour of coercion, writes in an article entitled We’re doomed without a green religion:

The justification for burning heretics was perfectly simple: dissent threatened the survival of society…not to coerce, itself becomes immoral…Compulsion will be needed but compulsion alone won’t do it…They need to believe in what they are forced to do…and that will also mean its dark side: the pressure of conformism, the force of self-righteousness, huge moral weight attached to practically useless gestures like unplugging phone chargers. They need, in fact, something that does look a lot like religion…Should that happen, the denialists, who claim that it is all a religion, will for once be telling the truth…
Mike Hulme has recently published a book entitled Why We Disagree About Climate Change from which some of his quotes above are taken. I can do no better than quote extracts of the book review by Joseph Bast in American Thinker:

More than a few people will be tempted to buy this book based on the promise, implicit in its title, that it offers an examination of the ideas and motives of both sides in the global warming debate. But that is not what this book is about. Rather, it is the musings of a British socialist about how to use the global warming issue as a means of persuading “the masses” to give up their economic liberties. The fact that the author, Mike Hulme, is a scientist who helped write the influential reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and many other influential government agencies makes this book more disturbing than informative.

…socialists like Hulme can frame the global warming issue in such as way as to achieve seemingly unrelated goals such as sustainable development, income redistribution, population control, social justice, and many other items on the liberal/socialist wish-list.

It is troubling to read a prominent scientist who has so clearly lost sight of his cardinal duty — to be skeptical of all theories and always open to new data. It is particularly troubling when this same scientist endorses lying by others to advance his personal political agenda.

Read this book if you want insight into the mind of a scientist who has surrendered all moral authority to speak truthfully about global warming. Avoid it if you are looking for a book that explains why we disagree about climate change.

From what Hulme has admitted, the climate change debate is not about truth and physical reality, but a way of making it the “mother of all issues” in order to achieve socialist and Marxist aims, including de-capitalizing the West, and bringing about global governance by an elite. Hulme is delighted to be in the vanguard, and it is paying him handsomely. Critical to this is capture of the scientific institutions. Hulme says, we are all actors “in the unfolding story…alongside the personal gods of the heavens”. Climate change is a new lying narrative serving an agenda as old as the hills. Here is an account of the very first post-normal science experiment, pitting against ultimate truth a lying agenda and narrative with an ‘extended peer community’ and ‘extended facts’ in the pursuit of power:

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Patriot Post – Army Preps for Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

By Mark Alexander
The Patriot Post

“The duty imposed upon [the president] to take care, that the laws be faithfully executed, follows out the strong injunctions of his oath of office, that he will ‘preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.’ The great object of the executive department is to accomplish this purpose; and without it, be the form of government whatever it may, it will be utterly worthless for offence, or defence; for the redress of grievances, or the protection of rights; for the happiness, or good order, or safety of the people.” –Justice Joseph Story

A few months back, the commander in chief or our Armed Forces, that erstwhile community organizer Barack Hussein Obama, denigrated a large cross section of Americans who identify with the Tea Party movement — those who advocate for Essential Liberty and Rule of Law.

Obama identified them as malcontents, “waving their little tea bags.”

Since then, the Obama administration and their Leftmedia sycophants( endeavored to characterize Tea Party attendees as rude, radical, racist, redneck, enemies of the state.

In fact, Americans who attend Tea Party rallies are from all walks of life, as noted in the Patriot Declaration, Patriots who are peacefully and constitutionally petitioning their government for redress.

As I noted in my tax-day essay, Tea Parties are “not a call for revolution but for restoration — a call to undertake whatever measures are dictated by prudence and necessity to restore constitutional Rule of Law.”

However, Obama’s words do have consequences.

This week, I was contacted by a number of military personnel, enlisted and officer ranks, who expressed concern about a military exercise underway at Ft. Knox, the U.S. Bullion Depository. As with most such exercises, the Ft. Knox alert occurred in stages, as if real time intelligence was being provided at various intervals.

The first intel advisory was issued on Friday, 23 April 2010, and identifies the terrorist threat adversaries as “Local Militia Groups / Anti-Government Protesters / TEA Party.”

You read that right: “TEA Party”!

The alert states that plans for the demonstration may have been interrupted by “Federal and local law enforcement” raids on a “White Supremacists Organization,” but “TEA Party organizers have stated that they will protest at the Gold Vault at a future date.”

Further, the intel advisory states, “Anti-Government – Health Care Protesters have stated that they would join the TEA Party as a sign of solidarity.”

In accordance with the exercise, Ft. Knox post security is placed on high alert because, “these groups are armed, have combative training and some are former Military Snipers. Some may have explosives training / experience,” and “a rally at their compound / training area is scheduled.”

Another intel update was issued on Monday, 26 April 2010, noting that the “rally at the Militia compound occurred,” and “Viable threats … have been made.” The intel on the rally notes, “Many members were extremely agitated at what they referred to as Government intervention and over taxation in their lives. Alcohol use ‘fanned the flames.’ Many military grade firearms were openly carried. An ad hoc ’shoot the government agent’ event was held with prizes (alcohol) given for the best shot placement.”

The report states further, “Components of bomb making are reported to have been on the site. Some members have criminal records relating to explosive and weapons violations.”

In response to the “immediate threat,” the exercise stipulates, “local detention centers are being made ready for mass arrests.” Both the “QRF I and QRF II” are placed on two hour recall, and the “5-15 CAV” was ordered to “draw weapons from holder and store in most available arms room,” and “coordinate with MASA for immediate ammunition draw; have equipment readied for immediate use, i.e. vehicles staged and loaded IAW 5-15 CAV SOP; LMR’s charged.”

QRF refers to Quick Reaction Force. QRF I is the 16th Cavalry Regiment. QRF II is the 194th Armored Brigade.

The 26 April order gives specific instructions for the 5-15 CAV (a 16th Cavalry battalion) to have weapons, ammo, vehicles and communications at ready, and it places the other 2,200 members of the units on two-hour recall. In other words, these orders are to gear up for defending Ft. Knox against Tea Party folks and their co-conspirators who oppose nationalization of our health care sector.

Now, for almost 30 years I have participated in the development and implementation of small and large scale military exercises within the U.S. and around the world.

Such exercises are critical to the readiness of our forces, and the standard for the real time intel reports in these drills requires thinly veiled references to assets of existing or collateral threat vectors such as communist regimes such as China and real terrorist networks such as al-Qa’ida, etc.

Perhaps the writers of such exercises today should focus on response plans for, say, an Islamic terrorist who attacks a post. (See Ft. Hood / Major Nidal Malik Hasan.)

The Ft. Knox exercise is not only amateurish in its construct, but also sets an ominous political precedent.

The military officers and enlisted personnel with whom I spoke are all dedicated uniformed Patriots who are loyal, first and foremost, to their oath to “support and defend” our Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Their concerns about this exercise mirrored my own. As one put it, the exercise “misrepresents freedom loving Americans as drunken, violent racists — the opponents of Obama’s policies have been made the enemy of the U.S. Army.”

They were equally concerned that command staff at Ft. Knox had signed off on this exercise, noting, “it has been issued and owned by field grade officers who lead our battalions and brigades,” which is to say many Lieutenant Colonels saw this order before it was implemented.

It’s not likely that Ft. Knox Commanding General James Milano or Deputy Commander Col. David Teeples, or even the regimental and brigade commanders for the 16th Cav and 194th AB, actually read the exercise scenario, but that doesn’t absolve responsibility for such an egregious example of political exploitation of U.S. forces.

One officer insisted, “The American people should require greater accountability of their commissioned officers, that they abide by their oath and never allow politically motivated propaganda like this exercise on any post or base again.”

Another observed, “Whether this is complacency by officers who do not see such orders as a problem, or worse, officers who recognize the problem but do not insist the orders are changed, this is a serious problem. We are discussing the training of American citizen soldiers in the use of potentially deadly force against a specific group of political dissenters. There is never a time in an officer’s career in which he does not have a duty to apply critical thought to the orders he is given and asked to give. It is my opinion that any officer that has allowed these orders to persist, to reach the level of junior officers and soldiers, has demonstrated a lack of judgment or apathy towards what his duty requires of him. Either way, we should demand more of the commissioned officers, who we as a nation empower to lead our sons and daughters into battle.”

Indeed, and at best, the blatant malfeasance on the part of the individuals who composed this exercise reflects poorly on the uniformed services.

The antidote to this patent misrepresentation of peaceable Patriots is to expose it with the Light of Truth. As our motto Veritas vos Liberabit affirms, the Truth shall set you Free!

(Note: To report examples of politically motivated “exercises” in either the civilian or military sectors of our federal government, please contact us — NewsTip@PatriotPost.US)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My 2010 Rochester NY Tea Party Speech woot

Hi and Good Afternoon, I am Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz you know one of those angry racist tea partiers that the liberal media loves to hate.
In March of this year, during a victory interview the socialist congressman John Dingel from the late Great state of Michigan, home of recently nationalized Government Motors, had something very revealing to say about the health care bill and why it doesn’t get its claws fully in control of our flesh until 2014. He said: “The harsh fact of the matter is that when you are going to pass legislation that will cover 300 million American people in different ways. It takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps to put the legislation together to control the people.” Did you get that?
He was saying that it will take some time to get the bureaucracies in place that will control the people.
I’m not sure what country he’s from or what country the president’s from, but I don’t remember the people of the United States crying out that they wanted the government to control them.
Do you want to be controlled by the government? Me neither. I don’t want to be controlled.

It actually seems to me that everything the Obama regime and his team of power-hungry Social Democrats does and plans to do in the future is about getting control of the people. As we all know, the Health care take over is nothing more a scheme to eliminate the insurance industry through regulation, then take it over by putting everyone on Medicare and Medicaid- the largest deniers of health care and then controlling every aspect of our lifestyle by threatening to withhold healthcare from those who don’t live properly. Me, I like salt and tasty foods and hey if you want to have a cigar and a glass of wine so be it. All I know is I don’t want to be controlled.

Another thing that’s on deck is the Cap and Tax bill, which will use junk science as an excuse to impose tens of thousands of taxes and regulations on energy exploration and consumption. If this passes, it will devastate us. Our dollar, already under pressure from the trillions of borrowing to fund the Obama Regime, will become even more devalued as the cost of oil is purposely increased. Oil, being a component in the cost of anything we buy or use will cause hyperinflation when its price skyrockets, and the value of the fixed incomes of our retired folks will decrease due to this resulting hyperinflation.

President Reagan often reminded us that it was Lenin who used to brag that government-caused inflation was the easiest way to increase taxes.

But that’s not enough for the Obama Regime. They want to accelerate this hyperinflation by using some global warming junk science to demand more taxes on these already high priced commodities. Increasing the cost of oil will only cause us to use less of it, and the result will be less travel, colder homes and an inevitable decrease in lifestyle. The Obama regime wants to control how much energy we use. Me, I don’t want to be controlled.

Speaking of man made global warming, what a joke. The Obama regime wants us to believe that farting cows and Carbon Dioxide causes the atmosphere to warm. It doesn’t. Water vapor in the atmosphere causes the air to hold heat and it doesn’t take a genius to know that. That’s why you hook a humidifier to your furnace and not something that pumps out Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant. Instead it is one of the main ingredients in plant photosynthesis. Carbon Dioxide, Water, sunlight and Chlorophyll yield Oxygen for us to breath and plant sugars for us to eat. It’s an absolute necessity in the cycle of life. Yet the liberals who run the government-run education system- if you can still call it that- want our children to fear and hate Carbon Dioxide as if it were Mother Nature’s kryptonite. It is all just another way to regulate and control everyone. They want us to believe Government is our God.
Me, I don’t want to worship government and I won’t be controlled.

Now I believe a good education creates exceptional citizens intelligent enough to live in a free country. Education is the ultimate eradication tool for poverty and financial illiteracy. Any government responsible for this government-run school system boondoggle should have too much shame to even suggest they should be in charge of our health care system. Think about it, we have put more money after more money after more money into this joke, and all we ever get is lower test scores and complaints about how class size needs to be smaller and that there isn’t enough money. How about this. Try something different. Test the teachers ability to teach, fire the ones that aren’t good and make class size larger, only keeping the most capable teachers, and return to the mentor system. Maybe children could then get an education.
As it stands, we get graduates who are functionally illiterate and who have to take remedial courses once they get to college. The unspoken secret is that they want graduates to be functionally illiterate because those who know how to read and actually do read, end up becoming conservatives. But Liberal illiterates are easier to control. Me I don’t want to be controlled.

On top of that the Obama regime has nationalized the college student loan system. As Senator Lamar Alexander noted, the government will borrow money from China for 2.8% interest, lend it to American students for 6.8% interest, and use the 4% difference to fund his healthcare takeover. This plays right into the previously passed Give Act HR 1388, which creates mandatory service for our youth who get student loans from the government, which is now the only way for them to get a student loan. His goal is to create a domestic peoples army of community agitators that work for the president directly. With both Health Care and Student loans nationalized, do not think for a second that Obama’s drive towards totalitarian Fascism slash communism isn’t breaking the speed of sound. He wants to control the beliefs and actions of students whose families aren’t fortunate enough to have the money to pay the ever-increasing costs of Big Education. Me, I don’t want to be controlled, and I don’t want my daughters being controlled either.

All of these things just equal Big Government and Deficit Spending So STOP SPENDING!

If we let this nonsense stand, and if we go quietly into America’s Sunset without fighting to stop this, the government will then legalize the illegal aliens, turn the United States into a one party welfare state, take our guns, slam us a with huge value added tax and control us absolutely.

That we are standing here athwart history yelling “STOP” is what Ronald Reagan would call Morning in America.

Lets each commit to finding a person, anyone, someone you know or a random stranger, and from now until November, educate them on the facts. Tell them about socialism and communism, and their common consequence of totalitarianism that they share. Totalitarianism is what it takes to make a socialist command economy work. But it only works until it collapses. This country does not want or need anymore bailouts or giveaway programs We want FREEDOM! And we will hold you all accountable and not vote for any person party or program that continues to tax us and enslave us. Me I am yelling STOP now. I’m sick of a big government that wants me to be controlled.

Let me leave you with one last thought. It comes from Patrick Henry. During the revolutionary days he said: “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Star Parker : Time for a New Generation of Black Americans -

Star Parker : Time for a New Generation of Black Americans -

Time for a New Generation of Black Americans

By Starr Parker

Black History Month 2010 is not a great time for a party. Unemployment at almost 10%, and well over 16% among blacks, doesn’t make for much of a festive mood.

But if the mood is not festive, shouldn’t it be reflective?

Certainly, there’s reason for pride in black achievement in the forty plus years since the Civil Rights movement. We’ve now got a couple black billionaires and a black president. The percentage of blacks with college degrees is three times greater now than in 1970.

But black household income is still just 62% of white households. And the black poverty rate, at twice the national average, has hardly budged since the late 1960’s.

Blacks should be asking hard questions when, over this period of time, many immigrants from different backgrounds have come to this country with little and moved into the middle class in one generation.

The accumulation of considerable black political power – black mayors, governors, a 42 member Black Congressional Caucus, and now a black president - has made hardly a difference. It should be clear that black economic distress is not a political problem.

Studies show that it’s family and education that produces success in America. Income correlates with education and education correlates with family background.

Now consider that in 1970, 62% of black women were married compared to 33% today. In 1970, 74% of black men were married, compared to 44% today.

Or that in 1970, 5% of black mothers were never married compared to 41% today.

The Civil Rights movement was, of course, a religiously inspired and led movement. It made liberal use of the biblical imagery of the Exodus of the Israelite slaves from Egypt.

Taylor Branch called his trilogy about Dr. King and the movement he led “Parting of the Waters”, “Pillar of Fire”, and “At Canaan’s Edge.”

To the misfortune of blacks who put great hope in the redemptive powers of that movement, their leaders prematurely closed their bibles.

The story of the liberation of the Israelite slaves did not end with their release from their Egyptian taskmasters. That was the beginning. They then proceeded to the mountain in the wilderness to receive the law to take with them and live by in the Promised Land.

When it was clear that the former Egyptian slaves were not up to the task, they were condemned to wander for forty years in the wilderness so that a new generation would arise, enter the land, and build the nation.

Let’s recall that the law they received was about family (honor your parents), about property and ownership (thou shalt not steal), and about being concerned about building your own and not what your neighbor has (thou shalt not covet).

Rather than seeking redemption through this law, post-Civil Rights movement black leaders sought redemption in politics. The welfare state, entitlements, transfer payments, and the politics of differences and envy. Should we be surprised by the result?

The New York Times recently reported that from 2004 to 2008, the political and charitable arms of the Congressional Black Caucus raised more than $55 million from corporations and unions. According to the Times, most of these funds were “spent on elaborate conventions…a headquarters building, golf outings,…and an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort.”

More was spent on the caterer for the Caucus’s Foundation annual dinner - $700,000 – than it gave out in scholarships.

It’s now over forty years since the Civil Right movement. Enough wandering in the wilderness.

It’s time for a new generation of black Americans to step forward. A generation to turn to the truths that will rebuild black lives, black families, and lead blacks to the freedom that Dr. King and all blacks have dreamed about.
