Friday, February 27, 2009

Bush kept the economy strong? why is unemployment still falling? Where is the JUMP? Why are investors not investing?

Bush kept the economy strong through the beginning recession handed to him from Clinton, 9/11, Katrina, 2 Wars, and Hurricane Gustav and was still able to keep our economy going and in positive growth.

It was the American peoples irresponsible spending and credit habits and The Fannie and Freddie Debacle that things got to the critical point of destruction.

So if Bush was able keep things a float through 4 Historic and major catastrophes our country has ever known, and that was Historic in itself. Why does the left continue to run around saying Bush did nothing?

Bush had some reckless spending habits but Obama is doing the same exact thing, if the left was helping to build the Bailout bill and were voting for and passing the bill (by a larger margin than the right). How was the bill not bi-partisan?
Democrats: For 172 Against 63
Republicans: For 91 Against 108

Democrats: For 38 Against 9
Republicans: For 33 Against 15
Independents: For 1 Against 1

Congressional Totals
Democrats For 210 Against 72
Republicans For 124 Against 133

If we were against it then and now it has become out of control why should we support it now?

Our economy is not getting better, and if we are making a Stimulus Bill to jump start the economy, and make jobs why is unemployment still falling? Where is the JUMP? Why are investors not investing? Why is consumer confidence still falling?

If the Bailout was to fix the Credit Crunch and the Fannie/Freddie Debacle to get lenders to start lending again, people to start buying cars again and all that jazz then why are we spending money on a Stimulus Bill that has now become a Recovery plan and down payment on nationalized health care?

We as a people had better wake up, it is essential we stop following around blindly and acting like we must go along with plans that go directly against the American Dream and Directly against the Will of God.

It is possible to have voted for a person and then say hey I made a mistake, or hey I don’t agree with this person 100%. There are times He proposes something I don’t agree with, I mean shoot there are times God suggests things I don’t agree with, now I try not to disobey God but I have no problem disobeying a man even one I respect. I voted for Clinton the first time and realized I made a mistake, I voted for Bush and realized he was not near the conservative I thought he was in some areas, and during those times of disagreement I made it known, I did not sit back and say oh well maybe he knows better or blame Clinton for a bad decision Bush made.

We are at an imperative moment in history and people better start swallowing their pride and quick or we will all fall, and fall hard.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

For the last time OBAMA is no Socialist

Why is it that those making 85k a year qualify for State healthcare assistance and so do their children (and mind you their 30 year old children)
And if you make 60k a year you can qualify for H.E.A.P Well and they say Barry is no Socialist, hmmmmm

Then why Are the Chi-coms and Putin both warning us to not go down the socialist road? I mean the world depends on us because we are not Socialists or communist and they know that if it happens to us then hey 1500’s here we come.

Does this spark something in anyone?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A quick list of what is in the Stimulus Package

Now remember this is a bill to free up Credit and fix the Fannie Mea/ Freddie Mac Debacle, right? A problem the government itself created by forcing banks to make bad loans to people who could not afford the loan. So to Stimulate the economy and help fix their problem and fix the credit/housing crunch and create jobs this it the best these brilliant ones can come up with
Get involved and make a difference

• $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said the project was inefficient.
• A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.
• $650 million for the digital television converter box coupon program.
• $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship).
• $448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters.
• $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters.
• $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees.
• $400 million for the Centers for Disease Control to screen and prevent STD's.
• $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs.

$125 million for the Washington sewer system.

• $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities.

• $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion.

• $75 million for "smoking cessation activities."

• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges.

• $75 million for salaries of employees at the FBI.

• $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction.

• $500 million for flood reduction projects on the Mississippi River.

• $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas.

• $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings.

• $500 million for state and local fire stations.

• $650 million for wildland fire management on forest service lands.

• $1.2 billion for "youth activities," including youth summer job programs.

• $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service.

• $412 million for CDC buildings and property.

• $500 million for building and repairing National Institutes of Health facilities in Bethesda, Maryland.

• $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

• $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery

• $850 million for Amtrak.
• $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint.
• $75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security officers when they can be

trained at existing facilities of other agencies.
• $110 million to the Farm Service Agency to upgrade computer systems.
• $200 million in funding for the lease of alternative energy vehicles for use on military installations.

Yep No Pork here - (and that is not even all) all good stuff. Thanks for the change and thanks for not playing Politics you have all made me proud

Monday, February 09, 2009

"Survival of the fittest" not the richest

The Bunker:

Who are we? Are we Americans? Are we not the greatest? Can we not do anything? Then what is this lie that if these banks and/or business's fail our nation will fail?

If one fails then another rises up!
To quote Darwin :) ..... "Survival of the fittest" not the richest and yet it seems we are all falling into this trap that only the rich are not allowed to fail. I know the likes of AIG has its hands in everything but if it is pensions we are worried about then use the "stimulus" to payoff those pensions and then let AIG fail :D

If they fail then someone else can and will just come along and start again. The next guy in line who thought I will never get a shot all of a sudden gets a shot.

We only fail as a nation when we, the masses start believing the lie, and start believing we can't unless government does!!! That is not Biblical and it is not what America was built upon.

So be a free thinker, Stand up, Rise up and Speak out for what you believe in but get ready to Hunker down as the daggers start flying your way as you voice yourself against the machine.

Write your congress men! Write your representative and talk to your neighbors In Love, in all humility and with only the truth. You can do it, I believe in you.

other links

Bushonomics on steroids, Dig your way out of a hole

Before President Bush took office

· The federal government took in $2 trillion in revenue in 2000. In 2009, the federal government is expected to take in $2.4 trillion.
· After eight years under President Bush, the federal government is taking in $400 billion more a year in revenue.
· So why did Congressional Budget Office project a $1.4 trillion deficit for the 2009 budget? Massive spending increases.
· As McClatchy reports "George W. Bush, despite all his recent bravado about being an apostle of small government and budget-slashing, is the biggest spending president since Lyndon B. Johnson.
In fact, he's arguably an even bigger spender than LBJ." McClatchy goes on to detail Bush's spending binge including an 18% increase in education spending, a doubling of agriculture spending, the 2003 Medicare expansion which was the "biggest single expansion in the programs history", and the $295 billion 2005 infrastructure bill.

1. So to recap, in 2000 the federal government spent just $1.8 trillion.
2. Now the CBO estimates that the feds will spend almost double that, $3.5 trillion, in 2009 (and that does not include Obama's Trillion Dollar Debt Plan)
3. Combining the increased $400 billion in revenue with the $1.7 trillion increase in spending, we see that the mountains of debt Obama is whining about inheriting all came from massive increases in federal spending.

It was borrowing and spending that got us into this mess.

When you find yourself in a hole shouldn’t you simple stop digging?

taken from

Are we Sheep or men? Do we follow the Obamanus Spendulus pass the pork package which is just Bushonomics on steroids or will we actually demand change?
