Friday, September 19, 2008

2 Questions Obama

Barack Obama has said he is a constitutional scholar, right? I mean he has said that and he writes it in his book and resume, right? He taught law, he was head of the Harvard Law Review
Ok so we have established that so Obama has been running commercials in northern Virginia saying that McCain wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and the ad says which would prevent women from getting abortions. Now, the truth is that if that ever happened it would mean that the states would decide the issue, or even Congress for that matter. Reversing Roe v. Wade would not end abortions, to my great disappointment, but nevertheless that's the case. Shouldn’t Obama Know this? And if he does why is he out there running false ads? If he does not know this, how can he call himself a scholar, what kind of student could he have bee? And more over if he didn’t know before he runs the ads shouldn’t he check for accuracy before putting his stamp of approval on it? What kind of leadership does this show? I thought he said he was about change? I thought he wanted to bring integrity to the office?

One Other thing that I keep wondering about Obama, he keeps saying he has a solution to the “economic woes” we are seeing right now and that he has a clear plan to help alleviate the problems we are seeing. GREAT!!!!! What are they? Waiting……waiting…….waiting……Obama says he has a plan but will tell us once he is elected. WHAT??? Isn’t he part of the senate now? Isn’t he being paid to help us and his constituates now!!! Why do we have to wait for him to be elected? If he puts out his plan now and proposes a bill or anything for that matter that is a good policy that will give him a huge bounce, those who have reservations about his lack of experience and understanding will be able to say NOW LOOK there ya go see he does have good sense he is qualified and then if it is a good plan and it works well then WOW he would have his mojo back. But in stead it is like he is trying to hold us hostage with the answer, I will only tell if you vote for me. Vote for me and then I will help. How is that hope and change and compassion? I don’t get it

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