Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I had to steal some quotes from RUSH they were so brilliant just for FYI

In Missouri, officials are buried in duplicate registration forms from ACORN; in Nevada, registrations for the Dallas Cowboys' starting lineup are among the fraudulent submissions. Other states are conducting similar investigations. Eight ACORN workers in Saint Louis recently pled guilty to fraud in the 2004 elections.

The ACORN thing is important along with a whole host of other issues but ACORN is crucial because it puts the lie to all of Obama’s airy hope rhetoric about change and social justice or injustice. ACORN is a 30-year-old organization, and for 30 years they have been listed as nonpartisan and they get government grants.

Tthe right to vote -- in honest and fair elections -- is the cornerstone of our republic; blood was shed for minorities' and women's voting rights in historic struggles that took decades to succeed.
There are investigations of ACORN going on in 13 states now.

I would think this would outrage people.
Even on the Left, I mean it is not about partisen stuff but they are making you look bad, and by defending the practices you are saying oh this is fine, instead of shouting up and saying hey yeah get them – I don’t want some organization like that being a reflection of who I am, I know if it were a Conservative/Republican/Christian organization I would be just as mad and upset as I am now only more because now they just gave me a bad name I have to overcome, along with everything else.

ACORN is a subdivision of the Democrat Party. Even in the original rescue plan, the bailout bill, how much was it for ACORN? There was some millions earmarked for ACORN, and of course somebody spotted it, raised hell about it, and they pulled it out of there.

This is not an attack or mudslinging this is real, Like many things but it is even more real because the fate of our country is at stake. And what about honor doesn’t that mean anything anymore? “Given the ties between Obama and ACORN and the money that his campaign has sent them and the job that he had with them in the past, Obama has a responsibility to rein in ACORN and prove that he's willing to fight voter fraud”

In King County, Washington, to get a governor installed last cycle, Democrats were able to produce more votes than there were voters. In 1960, dead voters in Cook County, Illinois, gave Jack Kennedy his victory in the wee hours of the morning.

I thought about just pulling out pieces of facts I thought were important but then I was like nah Reading is good and I hate trying to retell something or only picking what I think is important

Why should there be some type of outrage on the Left?
His website says: I have nothing to do with ACORN; I never had anything to do with them. I may have known some people there, but ACORN is just some group down the street in the neighborhood that had a sign out that said "ACORN." I don't know anything about ACORN. Let's go December 1st, 2007, Heartland Democrat Presidential Forum. Obama took questions from the moderator, Katherine Hughes. Katherine Hughes says, "If elected president would you agree in your first 100 days to meet with a delegation of representatives from these various community organizations, the Campaign for Community Values, and so forth, can they count on you in your first 100 days to sit down with them?"

OBAMA: Yes. But let me say that before I even get inaugurated, during the transition we're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. (cheering) We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda of the next presidency of the United States of America!

Come on people

The list goes on BTW and finding the actual convictions of ACORN members is not that hard to do, this is not something they have done only this election, it is just they are more bold about it I guess now. They keep getting caught and charged and even convicted but still the organization remains I guess they figure hey why not. Win no matter what, who cares about majority we what power.

"The liberals have the media, and that's what makes it look like this is a country so different from what it reality is. We're not Marxist, we're not socialist, and the majority of our people do not want to sit on their butts and let the government take care of them."

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