Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Everyone keeps asking me how do I feel about Obama’s win?

I keep wanting to push them away and be like dang who cares but instead I began to think on it and for now…….
I don't know how I feel it is such a mix of emotions. I am still taking it all in and filtering through my emotions to find that balance of logic and emotions. I felt overwhelming Sadness when I woke up, and sadness is not something I am used to feeling. I felt bad for my country and who we have become as a nation. But as I saw the faces of those I passed on the streets and bus stops I felt some hope. Hope for them, they had smiles and I see them every day and usually they are not smiling (unless I wave or stop and say hi with a smile) and I thought OK See it will be ok - Maybe this was for them, it is not about me but giving to them that have bought into the lie that they can't or that the America Dream is not for them and now they can say yes it is. I can. Maybe that is what I was missing through this whole thing. and I can pray I have been wrong, I beg to be wrong that I have been the ignorant one as they said that my blindness was my pride. That not everyone is like me, not everyone knows they can, and that Obama no matter if he runs us into a Socialist nation or not has infused a people with a new thought, I am my own destiny and they will be able to hold on to that and step into it with boldness. Never letting it go and never reverting back to the crutch they have held onto for the last 30 years. So the Obama win is bitter sweet but no matter God is on the throne and knows what is best for all, not dems or republicans or conservatives or liberals but all - God said I am no respecter of persons, and concerned only with the eternal soul so I will hold to that. I feel like maybe the words in His books were just words. I feel nervous but hopeful because in the end We are one nation united under God and Love overcomes fear. So if the hearts of the people is Love what is there to be afraid of. But I am afraid also that Socialism will gain a strong foot hold in our nation and destroy what we have built over the last 200 years. as though resistance is futile and we too will be assimilated. But that brings me to gratitude and makes me feel passion. To remember who I am as a conservative and that nothing can change anything except Love. So I feel today the same as I felt yesterday only hopefully today I feel more for my fellow man than I did yesterday. Father I am Clay in your hands.

I welcome the title ignorant and stupid.
May Obama be a GREAT PRESIDENT and prove me wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last two lines of this post. And I totally understand what you are saying...see the latest post in my blog as we are definately thinking along the same lines. There are too many good people, God fearing people, to let this nation go down. PRAYER can change the direction of any ship! God Bless

