Friday, January 16, 2009

Why wont the Democrats acknowledge Rush Limbaugh and yet will recognize Hamas and their right to exist? Working out a thought

Reason with me, Working out this thought

Obama has said he is willing to meet with Iran Dictator without precondition etc… and yet wont have an interview with Rush or any other true conservative and ok not just Obama, that is unfair but 95% of democrats. None of them are willing to acknowledge or take on what conservatives believe or look them in the face and discuss and negotiate and yet they will with Hamas.

Does that make sense? What does this tell us about the nature of the left?

Let me see if I can convey what is in this brilliant little head of mine or should I make this several questions as not to overload. So please any ideas, concepts, just trying to work this thought out

Anger begets anger and thus a vicious circle right?

Israel and Hamas for example – How does that vicious cycle stop? Some say one side has to grow up and extend a hand in friendship etc…, right? But Hasn’t Israel done that repeatedly… and so then doesn’t it then come down to it takes tow, like a marriage I guess. If you reach your hand out to a rabid dog In peace and love or a rabid raccoon what ever where does that get you?

Ok bare with me still so now can we take that to the next step or even the step before (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right) in the USA Israel is like the Republicans And Hamas like the Democrats
Which is evident when you see what side each usually lands and also taking into consideration the irrationality of hate and name calling etc from the left (in general – as there is no such thing as an absolute)

So with that said and Knowing how Bush (watch the rabid dogs bark and start attacking, they wont be able to help it – foaming at the mouth) reached across the isle and worked hard to bring a new tone to the White house and how well he was received as he bent over backwards and took every liberty to try and work with them, doesn’t that more show the vicious cycle and that trying to reason with emotions and irrationality doesn’t work. The only way to win is to over power and just do what has to be done no questions asked and no looking back, Stand up and speak out?

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