Wednesday, August 05, 2009

If we really want to argue a"fix" for health care we really need to fix the premise in which we discuss the issue.

Just a couple of quick food for thoughts here. As some how I have less time to think lately than I used to :(. But still felt the need to get a quick thought out

As people address health care it always seems to come done to how the system is broken (which yes ok I will give you that point) but why is it broken. Everyone talks about The HMO's, insurers and the medical field getting rich (like being rich is a bad thing but that is another thing all together, kinda). On the Flip side conservatives argue about how the Obama care is population control (agreed) or will drive up costs and kill jobs and invade on privacy etc.. which are all valid but still not the heart of the problem. All these things are symptoms of what is broken. Though Health care has its problems in the USA and sure is inferior to what it used to be and what it could be it is also superior to most.

If we really want to argue or "fix" health care we really need to fix the premise in which we discuss the issue.
Well, it’s coming down to the wire, and with the far left (Nancy Pelosi and alikes) making deals with the Blue Dog democrats. Like saying that they will not force insurance companies to pay for abortions (like I believe that anyway) or doctors to perform them unless it is under extreme life and death situations for the mother (yeah until they finally do away with the conscience clause as they are trying to do). Never mind that is how they got abortion to pass saying it was for EXTREME cases and when the health of the mother was at stake, then later changing that wording to include the mental health of the mother, who says they wont change that too later on. This is all a slippery slope.

Any way back to the point. We conservatives and pro-liberty need to not be goated into false arguments and start communicating the real issue here.

It is simple, everyone says that the Free-Market Health care system is broken and we need a change we need the government to come in and fix the out of control costs. They tell us how the free market is the cause of people being denied care etc.. and that we need to do something to "fix" the system and that government intervention or state run universal health care is the answer.

The problem being in all this is we don't have a free market health care system. Everything from Wall Street to Health care always seems to boil down to Capitalism vs Socialism or worse a Marxist/Orwellian society. We must get back to the basics and remind people that over the years government has imposed over 2,000 mandates to insurance companies saying what they have to cover or what they cant cover or deny etc... and there are 133,000 pages of health care regulation in the U.S. Federal Register. Please tell me why you would consider that to be free market. Each time the government steps in to fix it has driven up prices not only to individuals but to the population as a whole. Every time the government interferes with the private sector they cause more red tape, more inefficacy and less control to doctors. Take a look at medicade and medicare we go on these programs when we have to not cause we want to and now they want to tell people they want to make everyone have to be on programs like this. If the government wants a state run health care then fine so be it. Let them make their Amtrak health care and run it and see who signs up.

When the USA had a market-based medical/health care system it was brilliant the best in the world and for those with or with out money. Over the last 40-50 years the government has inched its way into this part of the privet sector (as if you control health you can certainly more easily control the people, ask any dictator). Why should we have to beg our president to decided who lives and dies, who is convient or who is worthy of what treatment. That should not only be the doctors say but mine and my families. I would like for not only congress but proponents of State run government controlled health care to tell me how that system works? They act like every thing the government touches turns to gold when in fact everything they touch goes bankrupt (as they are not out for profit, nor should they be, but out for our tax dollars)

Something has to change, Agreed, I can admit like I think the majority can that something has to give but it certainly should not giving up more civil liberties, privacy and control to the government. I say re-frame the argument to the left. Let us go on the offensive as the Free-Market works every time. Profit not only is a great motivator but the best way to increase customer service. Basic economics 101.

I am, as is every conservative I know, very compassionate and want to see anyone in need taken care of and anyone who really needs care get it. But as the democrats would have us believe it is only them who care and only them who know what is best for me, you, the poor, the sick and the rich.

I honestly believe we need to start re-framing the debate, not just this one but most of the issues. We are constantly trying to debate on their false dilemma so it is imperative we not only educate ourselves on the issues and Legislation being offered but as well correct the debate, we want to solve for the problem not the symptoms. And the problem is government, government needs to get out of the way and let the free-market highlight it's many benefits and beauty. We have been the leaders of the free world almost since our inception as a country for a reason, our founding fathers believed in you as an individual not just as a business owner but as consumers as well. It has always been about We the people verses they the government and the elitist mentality that most of the rest of the world seems to subscribe to even to this day the world is riddled with dictators and communists and other oppressive regimes who control and dictate every aspect o peoples lives.

Not only must we be consistent and diligent to not let them suck us back into a false argument but as well once we get to the point that they can see reason and see how government is trying to suck us dry from the inside out we must also be able to offer a solution. The solution must be concise as well not just make government get out of the way. But to explain how the government has interfered over the years in the free market health care system that used to work so wonderfully. Nothing is perfect so we can always find things to fix or try to perfect in a system but when ever we find flaws in a system that need fixed we as a people need to remember that solutions never come from government.

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