Tuesday, October 05, 2010

An Open Letter of Support for Carl Paladino

As we’ve seen recently, Gubernatorial Candidate Carl Paladino has come under fire recently. But let me say that Carl Paladino is the best candidate for governor that New York has had in my lifetime. He’s not a politician, concerned with what his opponents or critics will say about him. He’s a citizen legislator whose only focus is on the people he hopes to serve. Carl says what he thinks and believes - not what the New York Times wants him to say.

Carl is not afraid to show his utter disdain (one that we New York taxpayers share) for the Ruling Class in Albany and for the liberal media who are out to destroy him because he’s not from their Class. Unlike Andy Cuomo, Carl Paladino didn’t get to where he is by being born into the New York Ruling Class. He made his money the old fashioned way - he earned it. Andy Cuomo is a trust-fund kid who got to where he is because his father was governor.

What’s Cuomo done in the private sector? Nothing. Carl Paladino runs a development company. He’s actually created jobs and managed a payroll. He understands what businesses in New York need – less government. That’s why he’ll cut taxes, cut spending and get rid of nonsensical regulation that keep businesses struggling instead of hiring.

Andrew Cuomo is an attorney who makes money skimming off the booty he gets from taking from those who have and giving it to those too lazy to get up and get it for themselves. By definition, he’s a Marxist wealth redistributionist. Well, guess what? New York is running out of wealth, as those with any left are moving to states with lower tax rates and more common sense.

For the first time I can remember, New York has a chance to elect its own Ronald Reagan -a governor that actually makes the folks feel good about their state again - and I don’t mean by printing up some T-shirt that says I Love NY. Right now, everyone is wondering, “How the heck am I going to get out of this state? And if I don’t get out now, will I be stuck here, worse off?” It’s that bad. And the air of Cuomo’s inevitability being created by the liberal media and by the Albany Ruling Class is just making it worse. And as a black woman, I’m completely offended at the way the so-called “Black Leaders”- or “The Welfare State Grifters”- are attacking this man. Just because he emailed a joke about the President, whom fewer and fewer Americans can even stomach, doesn’t mean he’s a racist. It’s not racist to oppose a President just because he’s black. Just because he’s black does not mean the bar of required reverence is higher than for white presidents.

Just because the man said that he will set up training camps to train welfare mothers on how to get off welfare and improve their hygiene, people are calling a good man a racist. A racist is one of the worst things you can call a person. Yet it is thrown around without a care. It is slanderous, to be quite honest, and we should not let it stand. What about the complete man? What about the issues? I am not saying the implementation tactic suggested is the best idea or even a good idea, but at least it is an idea. It’s an alternative to those who are leaders in these communities who are constantly telling people to accept their poverty. This promotes a defeatist mentality by telling them it is the “rich white people’s fault” so they never take responsibility for themselves.

How anyone who supports and promotes government dependence and maintaining the status quo in the ghettoes can call anyone racist would be beyond me, if I didn’t know them like the back of my hand. It is just another publicity stunt by those playing plantation politics and racial profiling of Republicans to try and maintain some power. If these folks were serious about changing the lives of those in the “hood,” They would see his heart is in the right place and be calling Carl Paladino to offer their good ideas and advice on how to improve the economically disparaged and devastated. Instead, like puppets on a string, they are out their tearing apart a person who isn’t looking at color but just wants to better the lives of everyone! And last I checked, there were people of many races who receive welfare. Carl never even mentioned race. If one wanted to be as unfair as these “leaders” are being we could turn the tide on them, and accuse them of being racist because they implied that all welfare recipients are black.

The Welfare State Grifters are trying to smear conservative politics as racist. Sure, they’ve been doing that forever, but now they’ve got Obama ‘the wonder boy’ as their figure head. Disagreeing with him is racist. We, as a society that claims it wants to be colorblind, cannot let that stand. And those that would stoop so low as to create an environment where one feels ashamed to admit he’s not on board with Obama’s plan to turn America into a Socialist workers paradise on the highway to bankruptcy need to be defeated.

Liberals don’t make poverty any more fun. They just skim the money given to those willing to live in poverty in exchange for welfare and their vote. And the ferocity they are displaying towards Carl Paladino is the way they show their fear of this fine man. This is a man who is fun to be around. Can I imagine Cuomo being fun to be around? With all his hatred for me, and anger that I, a black conservative woman, even exists? Not a chance. He doesn’t understand America, New York or anything that I hold dear. He’s just another angry liberal Welfare State Grifter, a man too arrogant and pompous to be more concerned about the people in this state than he is about the maintenance and acquisition of his own power.

Carl Paladino is willing to take a pay cut to go and clean up the mess that our state government has created. And for that, I give him my full support.

Chaplain Ayesha Kreutz

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