Thursday, October 16, 2008

Christians, Spartans, Countrymen. A couple of concerns and questions

A couple of concerns and questions

How is telling the truth a personal attack? I don’t understand how bringing up your associations and who you support is an attack, isn’t that just explaining about the person you are so we can see who we are voting for president. It is annoying, to hear Obama cry and whine. Why not refute what is being said. Did you give money to ACRON, Are you friends with terrorists, are you the highest receiver of money from ACORN, Why are you spending unprecedented money on media, ads? How are those personal attacks, are you honestly telling me if McCain was associates with David Duke it would be no big deal?

Don't my friends and mentors help shape who I am? doesn't my personal beliefs direct my passion?

Plus I don’t understand The pro-choice stance as a Christian I am having trouble with this one?

Christians, Spartans, Countrymen

We are not going to win this with out being real everyone. As everyone is so focused on Independents and such I wonder why? As though all blacks are a wash but I tell you, if we focus right if we work as a unit all is not lost. What about democrat Christians? Are they off limit? WHY?


Issue 1:

“Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the
office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress. Yet there are Catholics and Evangelicals — even self-identified pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals — who aggressively promote Obama's candidacy and even declare him the preferred candidate from the pro-life point of view.”
Yet there are self identified Christians, Catholics, Buddhist and other pro-life believers who not only support but are aggressively promoting Obama’s, decaling him their preferred candidate (even from a pro-life point of view)

Is this what God’s people look like now? Well no wonder we are in the state we are in! What is going on here?

Does race and/or party affiliation trump God? The color of skin is that our choice?

I thought as Christians we served a big God! I thought we were to love God before anyone else, I thought we were called to be lights of the world, salt and light.

So What is going on?
Has Satan clouded the hearts of God’s people so much that we are going to vote for a man who undermines the very fabric of who we are as Christians?
Is it as for me and my house shall serve the Lord or is it oh yeah I will, I do but right after I vote for Obama! As for me and my house we shall serve man, Obama, skin color and my wisdom

What does your heart say about these issues?

The Bible






What does your Bible say about these issues? Do they match up? Does Obama?

What is your choice?

It feels good to be in truth

Matthew 6:24/Luke 13:16 You can not serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other

We are in the World but not of the world?

Romans 1:22

Professing themselves to be wise they became fools

Pro 3:5- 6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding but acknowledge him in all your ways and He shall direct your path!

What does GOD SAY?

What is going on here?

Who are we? Christians? Who are you? Let’s send a clear message of what God’s people believe!!!!! As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord.

1 Corinthians 2:12

1 comment:

  1. You put so much time and thought into this post. I hope you shared it with your church/pastor. brothers and sisters. Do they log onto your site?

    Come for coffee Ayesha and I will help you put the stuff on your blog that can track stuff like that.It will be a bit like the blind leading the blind but it will be fun to try to help get you the recognition that your writing deserves.

