Thursday, October 30, 2008

Your Opinion, Survey of some issues - What do you think? Please pick A,B,C or D for each Topic.

Survey of the Issues Please choose A or B for each topic and sometimes C? or D?
Of coarse there are add ons and other angles just pick which is closeset to you. Other wise the survey would be even longer. Sorry cant please all the people all the time ://

A) It is not your body, get over it. Freedom of Choice.
B)Where is the babies choice. I thought we were to be a voice for the voiceless and defend the innocent. Protect and serve I thought that was in our constitution
Freedom of Choice. Let the Baby have a choice. Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. With out life the other two are Mute.

A) Yes, that is how we all got here.
B) Ellis Island ring a bell
How he would handle relations with Iran:
A) Iran where is that, what is wrong with Iran
B) I thought we have been talking to them for like 30 years now I mean 60. Hmmm I guess history is relative
C) By talking to them.

The situation in Iraq:
A) Ask Iraq what they want.
B) Ok
C) Does innocent blood shed or genocide or 9/11 have any bearing to the situation or action implemented

A) Find something we can make ourselves.
B) Ok to A, have at it, let me know when you get that done. Because you know there are no scientists in the USA or anywhere else in the world working on that one.
C) Let’s just keep depending on other countries and destroying their resources then we can worry about using ours

Free trade:
A) I like free stuff. Make goods others will buy.
B) Yep – agreed – the free market works every time
Social Security:
A) Keep your capitalist paws off of it. It is not yours.
B) Hmmmmm Social Security is everyone’s I thought. I thought what was mine was yours and what is yours is mine? Isn’t that the Social Security principle. Guess I need to go back to school.

Stem cell research:
A) Let's learn all we can to better ourselves.
B) Ok Adult stem cells have already proven effective and we have cures for diseases from adult stem cells so lets explore that and get all we can with it. Then we don’t have to cultivate human or whale fetuses for the purpose of destruction. Breed to feed doesn’t sound so compassionate to me.

A) We must pay the man if we want the man to care for US.
B) Uhhhh yeah nuff said there – You did fine on that one – Not what A said

Homeland security:
A) Yep, important
B) We have an Army don't we?

A) Socialism is great
B) Communism – Anarchy what ever just give me mines.
C) Capitalism the 80/20 mix works very well – I am my brothers keeper.

Honesty and integrity:
B) Very important, I think we should hold politicians accountable for what they say. Character is very important and if you don’t do what you say you said you would do I wont vote for you again. I hold my politicians to a high standard.
B) What are those
C) All Politicians lie

The Constitution:
A) The Fundamental Flaw of America – It limits the federal government.
B) A Brilliant document – Thank God for our founding fathers – It is the Fundamentals of our Freedoms.
C) Never read it, what does it say

A) McCain
B) Obama
C) Other
D) No one voting is a waste of time

A) Pay cuts for Politicians is out then. No reason to expect them to live on 40/50k a year like the average middle class family right? For the people by the people is no longer a legitimate freedom. Cutting programs that don’t work is out of the question also.
Cutting spending on programs that don’t need all the money they get that is also not reasonable, some programs actually have to go out looking for participants in order to meet quota and keep the existing funding, like you have to spend what you got last year in order to get the same amount or more the next year and when they are not going to spend all the money they buy anything in order to make the deadline, so actually doing something about that would not help budget problems.
Oh the list goes on but what ever, yeah raise taxes that is the best way to accomplish fiscal responsibility on our government.
B) Taxes raise money to pay off debts.

Health care:
A) Make mine free please. I have no money for insurance.
B) Canada or France or Germany – funny I mention that my Aunt lives in France and gets free health care from the government – She has cancer (I am serious) they say she might have 5 years left. She has been flying to the USA to get treatment for the last 2 years, her free health care is very bad so she spends money on plan tickets, travel and American doctors to try and help her, although she is on some experimental homeopathic thing in France that is hopeful (God is such a great scientist – having made everything and all) but still she is moving back here for some reason, I don’t get it with health care being free there and all. But yeah your right Free is good and government free is even better – Mmmmm government cheese is the best, I grew up on it
There is a fair system to help everyone who cannot afford insurance and we can and should help those who cannot help themselves – medicade, Medicare, Family health plus, those are all good programs but there are those who get left behind like those in that 15k to 30k range who are single with no kids or dependents, we need to focus on them right now and figure out how to get some affordability to them also they are the work engine of USA. Healthcare is not a right but as my brothers keeper lets try and be therefore each other. But if you have and choose to not get so you can have something else don’t get hot when your hurt and with out insurance. Although we will try to help out if we can anyway, slacker
C) What ever – good health was never promised to anyone – get a better job if you can’t afford health care that’s what I did

Gay rights:
A) Sure agreed- Polygamy, Lets lower age of consent to lets say 2 years old – there are millions of folks who will vote for this one, I like dogs and I want to do mine so bestiality too cause my dog loves me unconditionally so who has the right to tell me right from wrong not you I live in America and love is love. Besides I was born this way I have always liked animals and fantasized about being with one.
B) Rights have a foundation and the foundation is paved by love – Like a mother or father who loves their child.
C) How about everybody gets human rights?

A) everyone had the right to own a home, and the government stuck it’s hands into the free market, government regulation forcing private business and creating a partial governmental housing lending institution which had to loan money to people who could not possibly pay it back, In order to be fair to everyone and guaranteed they would pay defaulted loans. Which increased true led to a huge market for sub-prime loans instead of just one or two investors the government took all the risk out of the game and now is making good on that guarantee they made.
B) A mess because some evil folks want to profit.

A) God won't fix it... We have to
B) We are called to be good stewards of the Earth and that is all we can do. So who made the sun? How do we get up to the Sun and fix it? Scientist are working on a rocket though that will withstand that heat so yes agreed
C) Do not worship the Creation but the Creator. Arrogance and Pride is unbecoming of such intelligent creatures

A) Hunting guns yes. Murdering guns no. (AK47)
B) When there were no guns there was no murdering. No death, No crazies.
And I thought the 2nd amendment was established to make sure we the people could always have a militia incase the federal government (like in socialist and communist countries) got to big for its britches and we the people needed to defend ourselves against it. So if the USA Army has tanks and AK47’s and we have 22 pistols and shotguns well Hmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Well this was not a clickable poll so I just read it took a lot of time to make the reader think about their reasons for what they believe and I found it very interesting. I hope you manage to help some more poeple have an informed vote.

