Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ok yeah and I am the ignorant one....So who is supporting this guy and why?

Yes just a little venting sorry .........................................

Has anyone even heard of the 10th amendment or know what it is anymore
Obama administration supports Saudi immunity in 9/11 lawsuit
Families of the 9/11 victims, however, have expressed outrage over the Obama administration's filing.
Fifteen of the 19 terrorists who hijacked U.S. aircraft and crashed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia and were affiliated with al-Qaida. Intelligence and past actions link the Saudi government and the four princes with al-Qaida.
Telling Turkiey we are not a Christian nation
Inviting Iranian Diplomats to July 4 Parties
Giving Terrorists American Citizen rights
Closing Gitmo with no place to go
Breaking ties with Isreal
Trying to split up Jeruselum
Throwing Israel under the bus
Obama...Iran has the right to Nuclear power
Supporting a two state solution with a people unable to govern themselves as it is.
Obama Taking U.S. in Descent into Marxism with breath-taking speed
Obama administration’s now-dominant control over General Motors
chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies
the U.S. and Canadian governments will own nearly 75 percent of General Motors, with the U.S. holding a 60 percent controlling stake and Canada with 12.5 percent. The UAW would get a 17.5 percent stake and bondholders would end up with the remaining 10 percent. Existing stockholders would be wiped out. (that is not even legal not to mention unconstitutional)
Controlling Banks
nearly 600 banks nationwide have received a total of $199.2 billion
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It stopped short of nationalizing insurance giant American International Group
what about inflation and not just inflation but Hyper inflation
Unemployment rate is 9% and amongst blacks it is 15% and rising (and the only one hiring is the Feds....can we say communism)
Corruption at DOJ: Case Dismissed Against Black Panthers Who engaged in Voter Intimidation (thanks eric holder)
We are out of money and yet have a purposed 3.7 trillion dollar budget
Printing money on the ACORN tree out back
His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America’s short history, but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemer Republican and at worst Zimbabwe.”
Thug like tactics from His administration
from the Threatening of stock holders to the threatening of David Kellerman, the CEO of Freddie Mac
the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny ... DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ ... does not match information reported on the voter registration form
Where is Obama's Birth Certificate anyway
Obama purposefully goes out of his way to silence people who disagree with him
Fairness doctrine
N. Korea testing Nukes left and right and we are just busting out the strong adjectives
A whole slew of anti-life/pro-choice agenda policies (born alive act - FOCA - etc..)
Obama as totally disregarded any Christian values
The list goes on (feel free to add on if you want) but let me just get to my point
does anyone see a trend here

So who is supporting this guy and why? From a secular (liberal & non-God fearing) point of view ok I can say ok I can see it but as a Christian, what God and what Bible are you people reading. Our alliance should be with God and God alone not man or a man. If a person goes against the very Word that gives us life and breath should we not stand up and say hold on wait a minute? You are going down not only a wrong path but a dangerous path and one opposite of the Will of God. We are being judged as a nation, God says He will give us a "king" after the peoples own hearts, well is this our heart in America now? Is this what we stand for. A dumbed down education system where our population knows more about TV stars than our founding fathers and documents. Where people can quote a sitcom more than the Holy scriptures, where we cultivate a culture of death over life? Is this who we are now as a whole? Is this who you are? We are called to repent not only for ourselves but for our nation as a whole. Jeremiah warned of this in His time. What are we doing, how do we want our country to emerge from this? Are we still a Christian and Capitalistic nation bringing light to the world. Striving for the American dream and exceptionalism or are we digressing into whiners with an entitlement mentality so that Marxism, Fascism, Communism and the a likes can rule the day and us as people. The Bible warns of times like this and it is only us who can push back the end and reach out to the nations sending Gods Word to all People that ALL would be saved. We are at a point where failure is not an option.

Oh wait and lets not forget the Muslim Pirates or the Muslim/Islam convert who just opened fire and killed recruit at Military Recruiting Center; Police Cite Religious Motivation. Or Sotomayor the admitted Judicial Activist or the fact we are being made fun of by the UK, Putin, the Chi-coms and even the Russians as they tell us not to go down the ... Read Moreroad of socialism and Marxism and that we have a president with a Messiah complex yet on the most free country in the world Ignorance runs rampant and the masses sit around waiting for some stimulus...how about stimulate yourself with some information not spoon fed you by the mass agenda driven media, hows that for some stimulus,

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