Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting your voice back and Refuting Liberal Guilt

We really need to wake up in the USA and really purpose to get our voice back. We each have an individual voice, do not negotiate out of fear, do not be silent out of fear, use it. We are listening to a world based on self, The USA was founded on What? Do you remember? Does anyone remember?

We cannot afford to sit down and be silent or listen to tyrannical dictators to tell us what is “Right”. God Gave us each a conscience to tell us what is right, who to help and how to give etc.
Listen to these words and let them speak to you
From Bill of Rights
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

From Our constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

See people like Jimmy Carter prefer dictatorships, because "I only have to talk to one person"

People sit around and just casually let all these freedoms go, not realizing what's happening because they are taken away by demanding that we use certain things or not allowing us to use certain things spewing what is best for "The Greater Good" and All of this is done within the framework of liberal guilt. Well, it is time people start taking a hard look around and seeing where "The Greater Good" is taking us as a people, a country and as individuals. The State is taking your individuality and trying to make you feel guilty for it when it is the one thing that sets you apart from everyone else and gives you the opportunity to be any and everything you want to be, and for those of us who got a rough start well....good it will make every success all the sweeter and we will value life in a way others cannot, so excuses are bull-crap. We must each start taking that liberal guilt they try to push on us and say no way.

Pearl of Wisdom:
"Silvio Berlusconi is a huge conservative, pro-American leader in Italy, and he beat a guy running as the Italian Obama by 11 points. Sarkozy and Merkel did too. This talk that we're hated in the world, the only place it appears to be true is the Arab world -- and Obama can fix that. He understands bitterness."

The Power of USA comes from our faith in GOD and that every single person on the face of the planet has been given a set of unalienable rights FREEDOM from GOD which should not be taken away.

War - how is that our fault. Why do so many blame those who only understand death as a way of change, not those who try to do best to avoid it, do they so easily forget War it is part of any history.
War is sometimes and unfortunately necessary because there are those out there who believe in bullying others and making others submissive to them and only thing they understand is being beat up. I know that is not a popular thought but it is true, just like in school and school yard bully who will not stop till everyone comes together against him/her to stop.

We in America are free thinkers and maybe we think highly of ourselves and take pride in who we are because we have reason to. Because we have a history of perseverance and freedoms that many, in most of the world will never see. Are you ready to give that up and keep apologizing for it? WHY? and Who is behind that. What about the other systems of the world and how they have tried since our inception to defeat us and yet envy us.

In the beginning of our history we were sought out to find out how we over came and how those enslaved and oppressed have now come along to rule and live side by side with all as equals. This is something to be proud of and fight for and die for and live for and shout from the mountain tops. Even in part with the election of Barack Hussain Obama, though he was not elected because of the content of his character it is still a testament to how far we have come as a nation so I can take away a bit of a smile (kind of), though we must never forget, it was the original intent of our foundign fathers that all men be created equal. Only those (the democratic party) fond of slavery kept slavery in tact after we were estabished as a free nation.

There are other amazing histories and they should be something to be proud of too, do we as Americans go around and try to make Germany or Japan or Poland feel guilty for success and overcoming communism or Hitler etc… each of us who have a history that has brought freedom, in any form, should celebrate it and be proud of it. Each unique but still a powerful voice to be cherished and respected. That is spirit of USA.

It is like hating someone because they are beautiful or hating someone because they are smart, why should someone apologize for these things. And why not celebrate your friends who are smarter than you or prettier or what have you. Why be angry and lose good friends because they have or have over come or were just born with it? What is the sense in that?

I am not fond of anger or envy. Life is about Love and forgiveness and understanding. There is nothing wrong with that except to those who love to control and keep people in fear and subservient so sure we can back down and sur-come to the pressure of a good image to china and Iran and Egypt and what have you or we can Stand up and be who the USA has always been FREEDOM FOR ALL!!!!!!!! Maybe we need to take the time to re-educate ourselves, our children, our neighbors, opur neighbors children and then the world to what Dictatorships, Facism, Communism and the alikes have brought to the world, like genocide.

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